
Draft (A preliminary unapproved sketch, outline, or version.)


Submitted By Jeff Waters on 2010-12-16 1:31 pm UTC

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EM Reference Information Model SC / Meeting Notes

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At today's meeting, the members discussed the following topics:

1. Should we choose geo-oasis:Where as the first example to move through our new RIM process for approval as a common type? (Answer: Probably not. Due to the difficult history of the geo-oasis:Where gaining consensus, might be better to choose an easier example, such as ValueListURI. )

2. How should RIM best develop a common data model? (Answer: Develop a list of common categories and fill them out with submissions from subcommittees whenever that occurs. To be more proactive and attempt to draft a complete common data model is too much work for the limited RIM staff and may not be possible given the difficulty of some of the challenges that require an elegant solution with general consensus, when the subject matter experts are working in other subcommittees. RIM does not have the participation required to be the problem solver, but does have the responsibility to identify missing or conflicting components and request assistance from subcommittees to contribute or resolve. Action Items: 1) Rex will work on draft of common type categories; 2) Jeff/Werner will merge their separate contributions as needed into Werner's draft vision document. )