
Draft (A preliminary unapproved sketch, outline, or version.)


Submitted By Ms. Eve Maler on 2004-04-09 3:58 am UTC

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OASIS Security Services (SAML) TC / A.9: V2.0 Working Document Draft Specs

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Minor cleanup, plus decisions from March-April 2004 F2F meeting: Moved Signature element up in Assertion contents. Clarified that DoNotCacheCondition has one-time-use semantics. Made NameFormat on the Attribute element clearly optional. Changed the default ValueType identifier name. Added the ability to put arbitrary attributes on the AttributeDesignator element. Removed Source on the Attribute element. Changed the content of Extensions in the Request element to ##other. Removed the restriction saying only federated identifiers could be replaced and set with the termination protocol. Changed Reason on the LogoutRequest element to be a URI reference. Made SessionIndex in the LogoutRequest element globally declared. Added bibliographic references to the new SAML specs.