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* Energy Interoperation TC Weekly Teleconference (Conference Call)
Name * Energy Interoperation TC Weekly Teleconference (Conference Call)
Time Wednesday, 09 November 2011, 11:00am to 12:30pm EST
(Wednesday, 09 November 2011, 04:00pm to 05:30pm UTC)

Regular Weekly Meeting of the OASIS Energy Interoperation TC

Conference number

  • +1 866 740-1260 (US toll-free number) or
  • +1 303 248-0285 (US and non-US toll number)
  • Access code 4866768.

Text chat during meeting http://webconf.soaphub.org/conf/room/EnergyInterop

Notes on this chat: If you have not saved a cookie previously, you will start out as "anonymous." Select Settings at the top, enter your name. I suggest setting timestamps in the display, then save your settings. Clicking on the hand on the lower right "raises your hand" during discussions.


* Call to Order

* Roll Call

* Minutes October 26

* Motions and Voters on Public Review 03

* Adjourn




Draft motions:


Package for PR03:

http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/44278/energyinterop-1-0-wd36.zip (full package)

PDFs with Diffs:

http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/download.php/44271/energyinterop-1-0-spec-wd34-wd36-diffs.pdf (Changes to Conformance Section, misc formatting, figures 7-8, 7-10, 8-3 updated)



Submitter William Cox
GroupOASIS Energy Interoperation TC
Access This event is visible to OASIS Energy Interoperation TC and shared with
  • OASIS Open (General Membership)
  • General Public