OASIS Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) Technical Committee

The original Call For Participation for this TC may be found at http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tc-announce/200308/msg00005.html

The charter for this TC is as follows.


OASIS Product Life Cycle Support (PLCS) Technical Committee

Statement of Purpose

The purpose of the OASIS Product Life Cycle Support TC is to establish structured data exchange and sharing capabilities for use by industry to support complex engineered assets throughout their total life cycle. These Data Exchange Sets (DEXs) are based upon ISO 10303 (STEP) Application Protocol 239 (Product Life Cycle Support). The OASIS Product Life Cycle Support TC will be responsible for defining, developing, testing and publishing of OASIS Product Life Cycle Support DEXs, and for liaison with ISO TC 184/SC4. The OASIS Product Life Cycle Support TC will coordinate these activities with relevant OASIS Technical Committees and promote the use of OASIS Product Life Cycle Support DE's across industries and governments world-wide.

The scope of the information content of STEP AP239 covers:

  • The identification and composition of a product design from a support viewpoint;
  • The definition of documents and their applicability to products and support activities;
  • The identification and composition of individual products;
  • Configuration management activities, over the complete life cycle;
  • Activities required to sustain product function;
  • The resources needed to perform such activities;
  • The planning and scheduling of such activities;
  • The capture of feedback on the performance of such activities, including the resources used;
  • The capture of feedback on the usage and condition of a product;
  • The definition of the support environment in terms of people, organizations, skills, experience and facilities

This content relates to many of the transactions required to order, supply and pay for the necessary resources and activities required to operate and maintain the products. Individual DEX development teams will be encouraged to liaise with relevant OASIS TCs to ensure that consistent data definitions are generated.

The business goal of the PLCS TC is to satisfy three significant requirements for owners/operators of complex products and systems such as aircraft, ships and power plants, namely:

  • Reduction in the total cost of ownership
  • Increased asset availability
  • Effective information management throughout the product lifecycle

PLCS, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, has been the developer of the ISO 10303 Application Protocol 239 and has begun the development of several PLCS Data Exchange Sets. The members of PLCS, Inc. plan to close the corporate entity after October 31, 2003 and in accordance with their membership agreement intend to place all remaining intellectual property in the public domain. It is the intent of the proposers to continue the work of PLCS, Inc. on DEX development and DEX standardization in the OASIS PLCS TC, and we intend to make the appropriate contributions of existing work in accordance with the OASIS TC Process and IPR Policy.

List of Deliverables

The proposers have identified more than 30 candidate DEX specifications to meet particular industry needs. The current prioritisation for the development of those DEXs lead to the following proposed list of deliverables for the OASIS TC.

D001: Product Breakdown for Support

1st Quarter 2004

D002: Functional Structure and Related Faults

1st Quarter 2004

D003: Tasks Linked to Product

1st Quarter 2004

D004: Work Schedule

1st Quarter 2004

D005: Maintenance Plan

2nd Quarter 2004

D006: Product as Realized

2nd Quarter 2004

D007: Task Set

3rd Quarter 2004

D008: Support Drivers

3rd Quarter 2004

D009: Failure Feedback

4th Quarter 2004

D010: Extended Task Set

4th Quarter 2004

Other possible DEXs include:

System Requirements, Product Design, Part_definition_information, Part_with_state, Part_with_interface, Part_as_Individual, Variant Specification, Change Definition, Product Behaviour, Product Status Report, Role Configuration Option, Work management, Work Request, Work Order, Work Definition, Resource Schedule, Resource availability, Support Solution, Feedback Reports, Activity Report, Resource Report, Work Justification, Impact Assessment, Risk Assessment, Work Justification, Intended Product use, Actual product use, Support Resources, Support Personnel, Support Organisation, Support Facility, Allowance, Support Opportunity, Product Behaviour (Component), Product Behaviour (Assembly), Resourced_Task_Specification, Support Solution Justification, Support Opportunity Types, Actual Support Opportunity