The following are notes taken at our 07 July 1999 Board Meeting.

Present: Simon Nicholson, Bill Smith, Bob Sutor, Alan Hester, Mary McRae, Jon Parsons, Norbert Mikula


1. Operations report and financials - Laura Collections and cash flow improving

2. xml.org status - Bill, Bob, Norbert

Sponsors update:
CommerceOne, DataChannel, Documentum, GCA, Ibm, Oracle, SAP, SoftQuad and Sun Microsystems

Press release
Will be dropped today, 06 July, 3 PM EDT

Agenda for Steering Comm meeting
Bob to send agenda/invite

Laura to work w/counsel incorporated suggested changes.
Amended document to be distributed @ Steering Cte meeting

Bill will contact Bruce Walker

3. Cover sponsorship - Laura
- Have not spoken with Jon yet, but did email our response.
Laura will follow up with Jon today

4. XML One (London) - Simon & Laura call for papers
Laura to confirm w/Terry XML.org session demo facilities for OASIS members
Rumor: only 3 vendors so far
Laura to get information on mailing list, call for papers list event on our site, xml.com

5. Oracle: Member of Board should encourage them to join OASIS as well.
Laura to inform them that OASIS membership is a requirement for XML.org sponsorship (wait aboutg a week; possibly at Steering Cte meeting)

6. Compaq/Jeanne Pawluk
Bill to follow up w/Jeanne

7. GCA Who is responsible for determining GCA/OASIS relationship? Bill volunteered to continue talking with GCA Board about whether there's an opportunity (e.g., IT track comes under OASIS)

8. Carol Curry announcement is for members; no press release.

9. Workshop
Bill says that he cannot find workshop from home page. It's in the members only section (and not very well presented). Mary has already asked our webmaster to reorganize page so that workshop appears at the top and is easy to locate/use.
- Workshop information needs to be on home page, not just in members only section. And add information about individual memberships.
- link from calendar to workshop

10. Membership restructuring press release should point to workshop
CGM Open - feedback on membership restructuring forthcoming

New members may enlist without specifying affiliation Workshop session attendees will be captured; evaluated post-workshop to determine whether any membership dues should be channeled through CGM Open.

Contributors, Individuals, Associates must choose either CGM Open or OASIS
Sponsors may choose multiple affiliates.

1. Announcement/Press Release/Categories & Benefits sent to members
2. Press Release on BizWire Thursday
3. Membership enrollment on web needs to change (& tie in to credit card processing)
4. Press Release - announcing Workshop with new individual category - Friday?

OTHER ACTION ITEMS: Laura to Post Minutes from Board meetings on MEMBERS ONLY section

CGM Open/OASIS Joint Board Meeting Thursday at lunch.