The following are notes taken at our 02 August 1999 Board Meeting.
Present: Simon Nicholson, Bill Smith, Jon Parsons, Bob Sutor, Mary McRae,Alan Hester, Norbert Mikula, Laura Walker

Financials and operations report (Laura)
- OASIS Membership categories (specifically Contributor-Associate and Participant-Associate)
- xml.org update (Bill, Bob)
- Booth space at Seybold (Laura)

Side Note: - CGM Open - Copy Lofton on conference calls details, so that he can participate as CGM Open rep.

- Financials and operations report (Laura)
AI - LW: Consult attorney regarding surplus monies. Ask counsel to indicate what things would flag us as not a non-profit (such as excess revenue).
- OASIS Membership catagories (specifically Contributor-Associate and Participant-Associate)
Proposal (Jon Parsons): Abolish Contributor-Associate and Participant-Associate categories
Seconded by: Bob Sutor
VOTE: unanimous

Proposal (Bill Smith): Offer Contributor-Associates and Participant-Associate members the $2500 Contributor membership at their current rate. The new membership dues rate rate of $2500 will become effective as of June 2000.
Seconded by: Jon Parson
Yeah=Bill, Mary, Norbert, Bob, Jon

- xml.org update (Bill, Bob)
Meeting on Friday PM of Summer Workshop. Discussion focused on organization of Portal. Will recommend policies on standards process to OASIS Board. Regrep TC will brief XML SC prior to Friday meeting. Other important things to do:
Step up recruiting efforts (new sponsors)
Recruit Program Director
Job descriptions
Web submission form
Increase PR efforts (in light of James U interviews)
- AI - LW/CG to make contact

- Booth space at Seybold (Laura)
6 of ten pods sold. not very many theater participants

- AOB UN (Bill) - Read email from Bill and respond
HRMML - Chuck Allen, potentially forming consortium, looking for a "home"
Workshop - Board meeting 10-5PM.