The following are notes taken at the 20 March 2000 OASIS Board of Directors Meeting (a conference call).

Present: Norbert Mikula, Alan Hester, Simon Nicholson, Bob Sutor, Bill Smith, Laura Walker, Lofton Henderson (for a short time)

Absent: Mary McRae, Jon Parsons, Eric Garcia

Operations and Financials - Laura (see attached)
 - Lease of Office Space - Laura
OASIS Operational Work - update - Jon
OASIS IT Infrastructure - Norbert
Contribution of Technology from Arbortext - Norbert
New member benefit - Norbert
Cover sponsorship - Laura
XML.ORG AC Report - Laura
XML.ORG Sponsorship  - Laura

Operations and Financials - Laura
 - Lease of Office Space - Laura (see attached)
Cover sponsorship - Laura
 - XML Solutions fell through (due to reorg)
 - No other strong prospects at this time. I will try to
   personally recruit more ASAP
XML.ORG AC Report - Laura
 - See ACXO notes (distributed via email)
XML.ORG Sponsorship  - Laura
 - Contract: all comments on current version due by 31 March
 - New Affiliate: Mercator Software

Deferred to next Conference Call:
OASIS Operational Work - update - Jon
OASIS IT Infrastructure - Norbert
Contribution of Technology from Arbortext - Norbert
New member benefit - Norbert

Next Conference Call Scheduled for Thursday at 1PM PST
(call in details to come)