The following are notes taken at the 30 June 2000 OASIS Board of Directors Meeting (a conference call).

Present: Norbert Mikula, Simon Nicholson, Bob Sutor, Alan Hester, Bill Smith, Laura Walker, Lofton Henderson

Absent: Jon Parsons, Eric Garcia


F2F meeting (all)
Election status (Walker)
W3C update (Smith)
ebXML website (Smith)
Mailing list status (Walker - for Best)
Robin Cover conversation (Nicholson)
Recruiting-HR (Walker)

Bill Smith designated Simon to chair the meeting.

F2F Meeting
Rescheduled for 20-21 July in Boston (Sun will host at their offices in Burlington). Board dinner on the evening of Wednesday 20 July.
AI - Walker to communicate new schedule to new Board members
AI - Walker to draft strawman proposal for agenda and distribute to the Board for feedback.

Election status
Not @ quorum yet. Scott working to achieve quorum ASAP.

W3C Update
Bill provided an update on his dinner with Murray Maloney and J.F.Abromatique (sp? sorry!).

ebXML website (Smith)
AI - Bob, Bill and Karl and new ebXML webmaster to communicate via email to clear up confusion on what's happening with our sites (w/CC to Jon Hatch)

Mailing list status (Walker - for Best)
AI - Walker to forward Best's latest communique on this to Board

Robin Cover conversation (Nicholson)
AI - Walker to draft objectives and circulate to Nicholson, Mikula, Sutor.

Recruiting-HR (Walker)
Sutor moved that OASIS hire a senior webmaster (report to Karl, work with Jon).
YEA - Sutor, Smith, Hester, Mikula
NAY - Nicholson
Motion carried.

Nicholson adjourned the meeting.