Thursday, 30 August 2001





Colin Evans

Director and Board Chair

Norbert Mikula

Director and Board Vice-Chair

Patrick Gannon

Director and interim President/CEO

Jim Hughes

Director and Secretary/Treasurer

Una Kearns


Christopher Kurt


Simon Nicholson


Michael Weiner



Others Present:


Karl Best

OASIS Director of Technical Operations

David Cruikshank

CGM Open

Jennifer Wolcott


1. Opening and Agenda Approval. Colin Evans called the meeting to order at 12:00 am. The agenda was approved as proposed.

2. Previous Minutes, Action Items, Secretary Comments.

Resolution 010830-01. Resolved unanimously: That the Minutes of the 23 August 2001 Board meeting are approved.

Action Items Status from previous minutes:

  1. AI 010809-01 - IPR Discussion - tabled to future board meeting.
  2. AI 010809-03 - Mission Statement - pending in Strategy Committee.
  3. AI 010823-01 - ebXML Teleconference - completed.
  4. AI 010823-02 - Schedule PAC topic for F2F - tabled to F2F meeting.
  5. AI 010823-03 - Discuss XML.org Agreement - at this meeting.

3. ebXML Management Committee Appointments. Patrick reported on discussions with UN staff that reinforced their strong desire to work with OASIS in ebXML activities, support of OASIS as their primary partner and a request to see if Patrick could occupy one of the appointed positions. In the previous board meeting, it was moved and seconded to nominate Una, Norbert and Simon as voting members of the ebXML Management Committee (also referred to as the ebXML Joint Coordinating Committee in recent messages from the UN); after discussion, Una withdrew her name from nomination, Patrick's name was proposed and the following resolution taken:

Resolution 010830-02. Resolved unanimously: The Board appoints Patrick Gannon, Simon Nicholson and Norbert Mikula as voting members of the ebXML Management Committee.

The board then considered appointment of the two non-voting technical representatives, and it was decided to only appoint one representative at this time and await discussions of the first Management Committee meeting to decide on the remaining appointment.

Resolution 010830-03. Resolved unanimously: The Board appoints Karl Best as a non-voting technical member of the ebXML Management Committee.

It was noted that Karl is already in progress to form an OASIS Joint Committee among the various OASIS ebXML technical committees, for coordination of technical issues. After discussion of a possible board-level ebXML Advisory Committee, which would assist the OASIS voting representatives in setting forth OASIS positions, it was decided to request a recommendation from our four appointed representatives:

Action Item 010830-01. The four appointed representatives to the ebXML Management Committee will meet and report back to the board by 13 September of the need for a board ebXML Advisory Committee, providing a scope, justification, charter, etc. as appropriate.

4. XML.org Sponsor Agreement. Patrick reported on the status of the Agreement, noting that all requested modifications had been made and the final Agreement is now being provided to Sponsors for their signature.

5. Proposal for a Unified Business Language TC. Karl reported on the current submission to create the UBL TC. Several concerns were raised, including: a concern on the legal ability to create derivative works at OASIS from the initial submission; the relationship to UN/CEFACT work organized under the ebXML Agreement; the proposed justification might be too strong and antagonistic; the need to make sure this TC doesn't unilaterally issue press releases or other documents; the TC should be able to accept other contributions as possible starting points; and whether this TC could complete its work without requiring approval from companies initiating the TC.

[At 1:05 pm, Colin left the meeting and Norbert became the chair. At 1:20 pm, Michael left the meeting.]

It was decided that Karl would provide this feedback to the UBL TC sponsors and invite them to revise their submission if they desire.

Action Item 010830-02. Karl and Patrick to respond back to the UBL TC with comments from Board members.

6. Closing. There being no further business, the Chair closed the meeting at 1:25 p.m.


Jim Hughes