Title Resolve VIRTIO-137: used len field requirements not documented clearly
Please vote Yes if you agree with all of the following.
If you disagree, please vote No.
If you don't have an opinion, please vote Abstain.

I move that:
The TC agrees to resolve the following specification issue:
VIRTIO-137: used len field requirements not documented clearly
When debugging qemu (which gets this wrong), I noted that the used ring's len field is only documented as follows:

  \field{len} the total of bytes written into the buffer.

Followed by a (presumably non-normative) note:
  ...  is extremely useful for drivers using untrusted buffers: if you do not know exactly how much has been written by the device, you usually have to zero the buffer to ensure no data leakage occurs.

There is thus an implication that 'len' indicates the amount which was definitely overwritten by the device, but it should be clearly spelled out (such as what happens in the error case where the device may not know how much was actually overwritten).


The TC accepts the following proposed changes to the specification:

The TC agrees to include the above change(s) in specification version(s) "virtio 1.0 cs03", and future versions of the


Reminder: A Voting Member must be active in a TC to maintain voting rights.  As
the Virtio TC has adopted a standing rule to conduct business only by
electronic ballot, without Meetings, a Voting Member who fails to cast a ballot
in two consecutive Work Product Ballots loses his or her voting rights at the
close of the second ballot missed.

Ballot Options Ballot has closed
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] Abstain
Opening Date Wed, Mar 25 2015 11:45 am EDT
Closing Date Wed, Apr 1 2015 11:45 am EDT
Ballot has closed.

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