Title Defer VIRTIO-172: Accessibility: use of bulleted lists
Please vote Yes if you agree with all of the following.
If you disagree, please vote No.
If you don't have an opinion, please vote Abstain.

I move that:
The TC agrees to defer resolving the following specification issue:
VIRTIO-172: Accessibility: use of bulleted lists
Understanding and navigation of content is impaired by the use of bulleted lists. Compare for example,, being read aloud and being able to answer/find, where is your place in this list, as opposed to the second bulleted list in 2.7 Packed Virtqueues, or either of the lists/sub-lists in

The TC agrees that the issue will not be resolved for the revision
"virtio-v1.1-cs01" of the specification.

Accessibility is a very important topic to address.

However coming up with a better scheme won't be easy:
we'll need different changes in different places in code.

In the quoted example what follows is just a list in no particular order.
Numbering it would create an impression of a specific order.

Further the issue is not new and is present in virtio-v1.0-cs04.


Reminder: A Voting Member must be active in a TC to maintain voting rights.  As
the Virtio TC has adopted a standing rule to conduct business only by
electronic ballot, without Meetings, a Voting Member who fails to cast a ballot
in two consecutive Work Product Ballots loses his or her voting rights at the
close of the second ballot missed.

Ballot Options Ballot has closed
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] Abstain
Opening Date Fri, Mar 8 2019 1:15 am EST
Closing Date Fri, Mar 15 2019 1:15 am EDT
Ballot has closed.

Referenced Items

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03331: Defer VIRTIO-172: Accessibility: use of bulleted lists

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