Title Resolve VIRTIO-167: Confusing "non-Transitional" conformance statement
Please vote Yes if you agree with all of the following.
If you disagree, please vote No.
If you don't have an opinion, please vote Abstain.

I move that:
The TC agrees to resolve the following specification issue:
VIRTIO-167: Confusing "non-Transitional" conformance statement
We read in 7.4:

"A non-transitional implementation conforms to this specification if it satisfies all of the MUST or REQUIRED level requirements defined above. "

Is that true? ALL the "MUST" in all previous sections? Probably not. Or maybe it is "below" and not "above". (always explicitly refer to requirements sets by using a sub-section number & name)

I suggest to make "transitional" just a variable (i.e. a parameter) in previous top-level conf clauses. (see TAB conformance guideline [http://docs.oasis-open.org/templates/TCHandbook/ConformanceGuidelines.html, section 5.5) |http://docs.oasis-open.org/templates/TCHandbook/ConformanceGuidelines.html)]E.g. someone claiming conformance as "PCI driver" should always clarify: "transitional PCI driver" or "non-transitional PCI driver"

The TC accepts the following proposed changes to the specification:

The TC agrees to include the above change(s) in specification version(s) "virtio 1.1 cs01", and future versions of the


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close of the second ballot missed.

Ballot Options
[ ] Yes
[ ] No
[ ] Abstain
Ballot has closed.