OASIS Biometric Identity Assurance Services (BIAS) Integration TC

The original Call For Participation for this TC may be found at http://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/tc-announce/200602/msg00018.html

The charter for this TC is as follows.

Name of the TC

OASIS Biometric Identity Assurance Services (BIAS) Integration Technical Committee

Statement of Purpose

The Biometric Identity Assurance Services (BIAS) project of Committee M1 of INCITS (the InterNational Committee for Information Technology Standards, www.incits.org) is intended to provide the biometrics and security industries with a documented, open framework for deploying and invoking [biometric] identity assurance capabilities that can be readily accessed as services. The OASIS BIAS Integration TC is intended to define and describe methods and bindings by which that INCITS BIAS framework of services, and elements of it, can be used within XML-based transactional Web services and service-oriented architectures.

It is expected that the two initiatives will inform and improve each other: BIAS should significantly increase the functional opportunities for implementing security and other identity related functions in XML-based systems; and presently-developed SOA methods for exchanging information, transactions and security data may provide useful methods, constraints and patterns for the broader and more robust use of BIAS data.

Scope of the TC

The TC will specify a set of patterns and bindings for the implementation of the proposed taxonomy of BIAS functional operations as they are developed and defined, using Web services and service-oriented XML methods.

The TC will review, and if appropriate recommend enhancements to, the definitions and taxonomies of [those] BIAS operations, to leverage known information exchange and assurance patterns (such as message reliability acknowledgments) and functions (such as repository use and calls) arising in service-oriented systems, and potentially to leverage those functions and features that already are embedded in existing SOA methods and standards.

The TC will not implement actual software products or solutions based on the specifications developed along the course of work of this group.


  • Preliminary mapping of draft BIAS functions to SOA standards and patterns: approximately 2 months from TC launch (or 1 month from BIAS first working draft, if later).
  • (optional) Feedback to draft taxonomy of BIAS operations may be produced as appropriate upon receipt of drafts from INCITS M1: approximately 1month from INCITS issuance of first and subsequent working drafts
  • (optional) Revised mapping of draft BIAS functions to SOA standards and patterns: approximately 1 month from INCITS issuance of first and subsequent working drafts.
  • (optional) Revised feedback and commentary on taxonomy of BIAS functions: approximately 1 month from INCITS issuance of final BIAS version for public review taxonomy.
  • Final mapping of BIAS functions (and any extensions) to SOA standards and patterns: approximately 2 months from INCITS issuance of final BIAS version for public review taxonomy. This will be the ultimate version intended for promulgation along with the final BIAS taxonomy, and potentially for co-submission to other bodies for further approvals.
  • Technical Reports and White Papers may be drafted as appropriate, e.g., should an implementation issue arise that is of particular interest or requires further study.

IPR Mode

TC will operate under "RF on Limited Terms" mode.

Anticipated audience/users

The anticipated audience for this work includes all OASIS Web Service, ebXML and SOA-oriented TCs, all OASIS security-oriented TCs, other standards groups pursuing similar work, biometrics and security function research and interest groups, SOA architects and programmers, vendors and users.

Language in which the TC will conduct business

English. The TC may elect to form subcommittees that produce localized documentation of the TC's work in additional languages.