The original Call For Participation for this TC may be found at:
(1)(a) TC Name
Computing Ecosystem Supply-Chain Technical Committee (CES-TC)
(1)(b) Statement of Purpose
Companies participating in ecosystems require standards to exchange and operationalize data beyond the current integration with existing suppliers and customers (1 up & 1 down). Ecosystem coordination today requires multi-tier (N to N) data relationships to foster better supply chain planning, enhanced visibility, as well as deeper traceability in order to build trusted, secure, and sustainable products and services. The computing ecosystem recognizes that as digital transformation drives more industries to build intelligent systems, standardizing the data exchanged by member companies across such a network will facilitate building resilient capacity, trusted hardware and software, secure systems and sustainable practices to benefit all customers and end users. To that end, we will define data schemas and ontologies, APIs, and smart contracts that allow the data exchange to be achieved on blockchain infrastructure (or other distributed data infrastructure) for use cases valued by the contributing members to the technical committee.
(1)(c) Scope
The scope of the work of the CES TC will be developing use cases, standards (data schemas, ontologies) and APIs that enable end-to-end visibility for supply chains. The computing ecosystem components addressed will include hardware, software, systems, platforms, and devices. Contributions will focus on the data schemas and ontologies that define the attributes and entities and a REST API model for putting the data into and getting the data from blockchain or other distributed infrastructure. Work will also focus on smart contracts that perform logic functions on the data on ingress or egress into the blockchain, perform process automation based on data, time or other triggers, and provide entitlement for roles and actors with regard to the data they are eligible to utilize.
(1)(d) Deliverables
The deliverables of the CES TC will include:
- Committee Notes that define the use cases, value proposition, and technical solutions that form the business case for the prioritized work and identify a roadmap for deliverables.
- Specifications for data schemas and ontologies that define the attributes and entities to be used along with their description and a blockchain agnostic REST API model for putting the data into and getting the data from blockchain or other distributed infrastructure;
- Smart contract specifications that will perform logic functions on the data on ingress or egress into the blockchain as well as serve as process automation based on data, time, or other triggers and provide entitlements for roles and actors with regard to the data they are eligible to utilize.
(1)(e) IPR Mode
The TC will operate under the terms of the OASIS Non-Assertion IPR mode.
(1)(f) Audience
The profile for the types of contributors to the CES TC include: Business Stakeholders responsible for delivery of their respective company’s products and services; Technical Stakeholders who architect, engineer, and operate company-to-company integrations for supply chain, supply & demand planning, as well as inter-company transformation solutions; Product Management and Technical Subject Matter experts for companies that provide supply chain related information services to companies; Data Professionals with interests in developing industry ontologies for inter-company data integration; government representatives interested in computing industry traceability and, Industry Professionals outside of the computing ecosystem which are leading digital transformations or have computing ecosystem products and services in their critical path for delivery to end customers and users.
(1)(g) Language
The primary language used for CES TC meetings and documentation will be