OASIS Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF) TC

Providing Feedback to Members of the OASIS Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF) TC

OASIS welcomes feedback from potential users, developers, and others to better assure the interoperability and quality of OASIS work. Thank you for taking time to contribute to the open standards process.

Quick Steps: How to submit a comment

  1. Subscribe to the comment list by sending a blank email message to: wsrf-comment-subscribe@lists.oasis-open.org
  2. Confirm your subscription request by replying to the confirmation email message you will receive from OASIS. Your subscription will not be complete until you respond to this message.
  3. Watch your inbox for a Welcome message indicating that your subscription is now active.
  4. Send your comment to: wsrf-comment@lists.oasis-open.org

Note: If you are a member of the OASIS Web Services Resource Framework (WSRF) TC, please post to the TC mailing list directly.

How the Comment List Works

Feedback on OASIS work is collected through electronic mail and is publicly archived. All email must be submitted to the wsrf-comment list under the terms of the OASIS Feedback License, which assures potential implementers and OASIS that your contribution may be used safely by the Committee in a way that is consistent with its charter and the licensing terms set by its IPR Mode and the OASIS IPR Policy.

In order to verify your consent to the Feedback License terms and to minimize spam in the list archive, you must subscribe to the list before posting. To subscribe, send a blank email message to wsrf-comment-subscribe@lists.oasis-open.org. Once you confirm your subscription, you may post messages at any time. When posting to the comment list, please include specific information in the "Subject: " line identifying the topic, especially in communications that provide input on TC specifications.

If you do not wish to receive email from other subscribers, you may unsubscribe after posting by sending an UNsubscribe email message to the list server.

See the OASIS Mail List Guidelines and Procedures document for more information.

What Happens to Feedback

Feedback contributed will be forwarded to one or more Members of the Committee, including the TC Chair, and will be publicly archived. Comments submitted during a formal review period will be tracked by one or more members of the Committee, along with comment dispositions. (Note: Comments may be addressed via the mail list; however, the OASIS TC Process does not require Committees to respond to all feedback received. In some cases, the volume and/or nature of comments and Committee resources do not allow for personal responses to all feedback.)

Feedback on the work of a TC which is no longer active (a "Completed" TC) will be sent to the Comment List subscribers (if any) and posted in the public archives. Feedback received may be used as reference should the TC's technical work be revisited in the future. Since Completed TCs have no members and no required list subscribers, postings to the Comment List typically will generate no response from OASIS. Please contact tc-admin@oasis-open.org if you have questions or specific concerns that require a response.

Other Options for Posting

In addition to official Comment Lists, OASIS also hosts more informal mail lists for many of its Committees. Some types of input such as general questions, implementation tips, lengthy discussions, etc. may be more appropriate for a -dev, -user, or -interest list. Please see this Committee's public home page for details on other mailing lists and related sources of information.

Questions on Providing Feedback

Suggestions, concerns, or questions on the process of providing feedback to this or any OASIS Committee should be directed to member-services@oasis-open.org.