
Draft (A preliminary unapproved sketch, outline, or version.)


Submitted By Mr. Tom Rutt on 2013-07-15 1:58 am UTC

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OASIS Cloud Application Management for Platforms (CAMP) TC / Proposals

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Proposal for Normative Statement Tagging for Clause 6. I did not tag after the intro to 6.12, because the text needs further refinement to use normative language (lots of "is" statements rather than "shall"s.

This proposal uses two new styles, "Normative Stateemtn" and "Normative Tag" with separate bookmarks for the normative statements and for the normative tags, and with a table at the end with cross references to the main body text.

If we agree with this format, we can assign action items to complete the rest of the normative tagging throughout the spec.

I also changed "MUST" to "SHALL" in the normative statement.