
Draft (A preliminary unapproved sketch, outline, or version.)


Submitted By Toby Considine on 2023-09-19 6:44 pm UTC

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OASIS Energy Interoperation TC / Standards

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Not modified.


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WD 18 - first response to information gathered from FIX

Added Market Data Structure Reporting, using FIX model for self-description of markets, including crossing, the activities and information around the time a market opens and closes. Replaced CSD02 descriptors with FIX elements such as VenueType.

Took many elements and renamed to align with FIX and to add FIX tags to tables.

No Doc with Changes, because that would be an absolute mess.

Still waiting new UML, bringing Tickers and Quotations (including negotiations) into line with financial Market Data Reporting.

Anticipate updates to tenders and to transactions.