EM Infrastructure Framework SC Public Documents

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EM Infrastructure Framework SC   (Showing 10 of 199)
Document Name # Size State Submitter Date Action
Jeff Waters
This zip file is a redo of a previous version, updated to use the common types and CIQ profile. This one contains a latest version of the DE 2.0 schema (de_2_ver05.xsd) which uses the new Common Types schema (edxl-ct-v1.0-wd03.xsd) as well as the new CIQ Profile schema (in subfolder edxl-ciq-v1.0-wd02_Schemas) and the new namespaces. As with previous versions, this zip contains all the schema needed to compile the two XML examples which utilize Hospital Availability (HAVE) payloads. One example uses the DE wrapper elements and the other uses SOAP for a wrapper and shows an example of an xlink to associate the DE descriptor from the SOAP header with the DE content in the SOAP body.
Jeff Waters
This zip file contains the schema for the proposed CIQ Profile. These are the same CIQ schema as those in previous zip files, such as the DE 2.0 zip found at http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/emergency-if/download.php/41443/DE_2.0_DraftSchema_v04.zip. But in this case, the CIQ schema are isolated all by themselves, for easier review. Three example xml files were generated from the three main elements of xPIL.xsd, namely Party, PersonDetails and OrganisationDetails. The CIQ Profile elements are also described in the document found as an initial draft at http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/emergency-if/download.php/41649/edxl-ciq-v1.0-wd01-JW-2.odt. Together, the schema in this zip and the document represent the CIQ Profile for your review.
Jeff Waters
At today's Infrastructure Framework Subcommittee meeting, the members discussed the current status of the common components, namely the Common Types, the CIQ Profile and the SimpleFeatures Profile. The following topics were discussed: 1. TOPIC: What is the status of our common components? (Answer: The Common Types, including schema and document, are almost ready for recommended approval by EM TC. The CIQ Profile has a schema from Don and Jeff is drafting a document. The SimpleFeatures schema and document are being drafted by Tim and Lew. ) 2. TOPIC: What is the status of the SimpleFeatures Profile? (Answer: Draft is underway, but one issue is the need to create the SimpleFeatures schema, since OGC has changed its policy and currently does not offer a schema. ) 3. TOPIC: Should we keep WeatherInfoType as a simple string in the Common Types or remove it until we get a better version? (Answer: Members discussed the issue. Benefits of removing include avoiding confusion, but benefits of keeping include serving as a placeholder for awareness of the need. Ran out of time before matter resolved.)
Jeff Waters
This document is an early rough draft of the OASIS EM TC Customer Information Quality (CIQ) Profile version 1.0. This document describes reusable components for describing persons and organizations in a manner compliant with, but not as comprehensive as, the CIQ standard. The components are defined in the xPIL.xsd and associated schemas, which can currently be found with related schema in http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/emergency-if/download.php/41443/DE_2.0_DraftSchema_v04.zip. This zip file shows how the CIQ profile components can be reused by including them in the draft version of the Distribution Element 2.0.
Jeff Waters
This zip file contains an updated version of the common types schema (EDXL_Common_Types_ver04.xsd) with other associated CIQ and Distribution Element 2.0 draft schema. The point of this zip file is to show the latest version of the EDXL common types in context, for those interested. Otherwise, you can review the single schema in isolation at http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/emergency-if/download.php/41442/EDXL_Common_Types_ver04.xsd and the associated document, the Common Types Specification Working Draft, at http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/emergency-if/download.php/41441/edxl-ct-v1.0-wd01-JW-3.odt.
Jeff Waters
An updated version 4 of the EDXL Common Types schema. This schema is described in the Common Types Working Draft at http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/emergency-if/download.php/41441/edxl-ct-v1.0-wd01-JW-3.odt. The only change to the schema was the appending of the word "Type" onto the type names. The change aids clarity. A zip file will be uploaded momentarily which includes this schema and others to show this schema in use for supporting a draft version of the Distribution Element 2.0.
Jeff Waters
An updated working draft version of Common Types document with "Type" added to the type names.
Jeff Waters
A second version of the Common Types document with a basic Section 2 and a few cleanup comments added to the Data Dictionary referencing the soon to be coming CIQ Profile document.
Jeff Waters
This is an initial rough draft of the EDXL Common Types Version 1.0. The section fleshed out is Section 3, the data dictionary components for each of the types. Werner Joerg is the official editor, but I've posted this initial draft for those who are interested in working this in our upcoming IF, Messages and Notifications, and RIM meetings.
Jeff Waters
At today's meeting, Jeff reported that a working draft version 1 of the DE 2.0 has been posted. (See http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/emergency-if/download.php/41140/EDXL-DE-v2.0-wd01.odt.) In addition to using the new OASIS template, the primary changes from the previous draft were the additions and revisions of the data dictionary tables resulting from the reorganized DE 2.0 schema. The following topics were discussed: 1. TOPIC: Should we document the common type elements in our DE 2.0 specification or reference and await for those common types to be defined in their own RIM-sponsored specification? (Answer: Reference and await the RIM-sponsored committee draft specification, because otherwise element documentation for these elements will be duplicated in multiple specs (e.g. DE and Sitreps ) and we could put the effort we would otherwise put into the documentation in the DE and put it into the RIM effort. Also the RIM only needs to move this to a committee “draft” specification, which means no public review is required.) 2. TOPIC: Should we use the word “default” to refer to our default value lists for DE 2.0 elements like DistributionType or DistributionStatus, since they are required to be inserted, i.e. we don't allow null or blank values with the assumption that the “default” value will be inserted? (Answer: We will consider this as we move forward with our next working draft.) 3. Would someone like to sign up for revising the TargetArea section of our DE 2.0 Working Draft? (Answer: Lew graciously offered to spearhead the revision of the TargetArea portion of the DE 2.0, including issues such as whether “circle” documentation should go into the OASIS SimpleFeatures Profile.)