Event-driven Test Scripting Language (Revision 4)

Draft (A preliminary unapproved sketch, outline, or version.)


Submitted By Mr. Jacques Durand on 2007-10-07 11:57 pm UTC

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OASIS ebXML Implementation Interoperability and Conformance (IIC) TC / docs

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Event-driven Test Scripting Language (eTSL) is laying ground for a test model suitable for eBusiness / eGovernment applications. It also supports test case automation and portability by defining a processable scripting of test cases. It builds on previous experiences in conformance and interoperability testing, in particular the IIC TestFramework 1.1 specification.
- V0.81: fix some of XPath notations, make "selectors" and "conditions" more explicit about the dialect they use (XPath, XQuery), rename eTestML -> eTSL.
- V0.82: updated use cases in section 6 to improve the way external eval-adapters are invoked (here, use only element), as discussed and approved in I-ESA paper. The binding to the XPath adapter needs to be specified fully probably in a binding appendix.
- V0.83: a few updates in the script markup proposed by co-authors and contributed here: condition/@language, s/wait/sleep, set/@source, the event selected by trigger is inherited by the root monitor (via $output), miscellaneous minor edits.
- V0.84:
. added one use case example of QoS monitoring (6.4).
. added requirements in Section 2 (see 2.1)
. aligned content of some examples.
. other minor edits
. added to list of contributors, due to their contributions.