IEEE P2302 Draft Standard for Intercloud Interoperability and Federation (SIIF)

Document Number: SIIF_D0.2
Draft (A preliminary unapproved sketch, outline, or version.)


Submitted By Roger Bass on 2012-06-07 5:57 pm UTC

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OASIS Business Document Exchange (BDXR) TC / Documents

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Cloud computing is a new design pattern for large, distributed datacenters. Cloud computing offers end consumers a “pay as you go” model - a powerful shift for computing, towards a utility model like the electricity system, the telephone system, or more recently the Internet. However, unlike those utilities, clouds cannot yet federate and interoperate. Such federation is called the “Intercloud”. The concept of a cloud operated by one service provider or enterprise interoperating with a clouds operated by another is a powerful idea. So far that is limited to use cases where code running on one cloud explicitly references a service on another cloud.

Currently there are no implicit and transparent interoperability standards in place in order for disparate cloud computing environments to be able to seamlessly federate and interoperate amongst themselves. Proposed P2302 standards are a layered set of such protocols, called “Intercloud Protocols”, to solve this interoperability challenges. The P2302 standards propose the overall design of decentralized, scalable, self-organizing federated “Intercloud” topology.