OASIS Emergency Management TC

IPR member counter for OASIS Emergency Management TC, generated on September 16, 2024, 8:19 am

This page is an automated counter to track TC participation statistics that may be relevant under the current OASIS IPR Policy. The counter tracks the number of cumulative days that OASIS members have participated in a specific TC, after the 15 April 2005 enactment date of the current Policy. Until mid-2007, OASIS TCs may operate under either that policy or, in some cases, the prior legacy policy.

These counters are relevant to TCs operating under the current IPR Policy, because it obligates OASIS members whose representatives have served as a TC member for 60 cumulative days or more to make certain licenses available. This table is an automated cumulative counter for that obligation. However, the data in this table depends on maintenance of the rosters by the TC, and may lag or vary from actual participation, so it is subject to correction by definitive documentation.

Name Type Count
Anteon CorporationCompany481
AtHoc, Inc.Company3261
Attorney General's DepartmentCompany375
Australian Government Attorney-General's DepartmentCompany2183
Avaya, Inc.Company924
Broad Strokes, Inc.Company676
Canadian Association for Public Alerting and Notification (CAPAN)Company2050
Canadian Public Safety Operations OrganizationCompany119
Collaborative Fusion, Inc.Company550
Conneva, Inc.Company557
Contra Costa County Community Warning SystemCompany736
Cox Software Architects LLCCompany357
Dartmouth College ISTSCompany251
Desktop Alert Inc.Company1318
DHS Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)Company2209
Disaster Management Interoperability ServicesCompany990
Disaster Relief Communications FoundationCompany964
Drummond Group Inc.Company234
E TeamCompany263
Edmond Scientific CompanyCompany371
Emergency Interoperability ConsortiumCompany1068
Environment CanadaCompany5092
ESI Acquisition, Inc.Company1406
Evolution Technologies Inc.Company2167
Eye Street SolutionsCompany374
France TelecomCompany1276
Galdos Systems Inc.Company1757
GFZ German Research Centre for GeosciencesCompany1043
Google Inc.Company4676
Honeycomb NetworksCompany329
Honeywell International, Inc.Company45
HumanMarkup.org, Inc.Company466
iJet International, Inc.Company22
IJIS InstituteCompany3053
Image Matters LLCCompany393
Intelligence for Environment & Security - IES Solutions srlCompany369
Intelligence for Environment & Security-IES Solutions srlCompany729
Kaiser PermanenteCompany2022
Knowledgeable & Innovative Technical Solutions, Inc. (KITS, Inc.)Company372
Lockheed MartinCompany3043
ManTech Enterprise Integration Center (e-IC)Company1261
Ministere de L'Interieur-FranceCompany2103
Mitre CorporationCompany6184
National Institutes of HealthCompany657
Network Centric Operations Industry ConsortiumCompany1425
NOAA's National Weather ServiceCompany2845
Northrop GrummanCompany1094
NuParadigm Government Systems, Inc.Company1265
OASIS ContractorsCompany299
Object Management GroupCompany2003
Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. (OGC)Company3676
OSS NokalvaCompany1040
Pacific Disaster CenterCompany2780
Patriot Data Solutions Group, Inc.Company266
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri - Dipartimento della Protezione CivileCompany926
Previstar Inc.Company1969
Rainer KaltenbergerCompany392
Raining Data CorporationCompany446
Sahana Software FoundationCompany1485
Sandia National LaboratoriesCompany1105
Sandia National LabsCompany207
Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC)Company70
sFractal Consulting LLCCompany478
Society of Broadcast EngineersCompany340
Solace SystemsCompany1728
SRA International, Inc.Company2076
Torchlight SystemsCompany353
TsingHua TongFangCompany251
United Kingdom Cabinet OfficeCompany673
University of North Carolina at Chapel HillCompany5471
US Department of Defense (DoD)Company5614
US Department of Homeland SecurityCompany5099
US Department of the InteriorCompany674
viaRadio CorporationCompany327
Warning Systems, Inc.Company2133
WidePoint CorporationCompany476
Bell, FrankIndividual691
Botterell, ArtIndividual1179
Bradley, JohnIndividual939
Brooks, RexIndividual4983
Christian, EliotIndividual374
Coursey, DavidIndividual355
Cox, WilliamIndividual5113
Dwarkanath, SukumarIndividual229
Ellis, DavidIndividual939
Embley, PaulIndividual218
Ferrentino, ThomasIndividual4804
Gannon, PatrickIndividual241
Grapes, TimothyIndividual1479
Ham, GaryIndividual5952
Hocek, AdamIndividual36
Joerg, WernerIndividual740
Jones, ElysaIndividual4744
Kumar, RamIndividual3092
McDougall, MikeIndividual391
O'Dell, PeterIndividual1077
O'Donnell, DarrellIndividual2490
Osterloh, CamilleIndividual1113
Raymond, MichelleIndividual164
Raymond, MichelleIndividual367
Ridgely, JuliaIndividual619
Temin, AaronIndividual384
Torchon, RobertIndividual2220
Towne, SkipIndividual623
Treadgold, GavinIndividual750
Walton, MattIndividual656
Webb, SylviaIndividual1308
Webber, DavidIndividual979
Westfall, JacobIndividual5680
Wilms, KonstantinIndividual332
Wyman, BobIndividual157