OASIS Lexicographic Infrastructure Data Model and API (LEXIDMA) TC

IPR member counter for OASIS Lexicographic Infrastructure Data Model and API (LEXIDMA) TC, generated on July 26, 2024, 8:19 am

This page is an automated counter to track TC participation statistics that may be relevant under the current OASIS IPR Policy. The counter tracks the number of cumulative days that OASIS members have participated in a specific TC, after the 15 April 2005 enactment date of the current Policy. Until mid-2007, OASIS TCs may operate under either that policy or, in some cases, the prior legacy policy.

These counters are relevant to TCs operating under the current IPR Policy, because it obligates OASIS members whose representatives have served as a TC member for 60 cumulative days or more to make certain licenses available. This table is an automated cumulative counter for that obligation. However, the data in this table depends on maintenance of the rosters by the TC, and may lag or vary from actual participation, so it is subject to correction by definitive documentation.

Name Type Count
Emerson Process ManagementCompany1548
Faculty of Informatics Masaryk UniversityCompany1086
Institute of the Estonian LanguageCompany338
Jozef Stefan InstituteCompany1548
K Dictionaries LtdCompany308
Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o.Company1546
National University of Ireland GalwayCompany1346
Stichting Instituut voor de Nederlandse TaalCompany402
Trinity College Dublin (ADAPT)Company1122
Durusau, PatrickIndividual1546