OASIS Public Relations (PR) Group

OASIS Public Relations Group FAQ

  1. What is the purpose of the OASIS PR Group?

    The OASIS PR Group makes it easier to take full advantage of the promotional benefits of OASIS membership. This group facilitates direct communication between OASIS and the professionals responsible for press and analyst relations for each of our member organizations.

  2. What kind of announcements do members of the OASIS PR Group receive?

    The list is used to communicate information concerning:

    • Upcoming OASIS press releases and instructions for participation and quote submissions
    • Planning for TC promotional events, such as OASIS Interoperability Demos
    • Opportunities to author, edit, or contribute to articles on the work of OASIS
    • Sponsorship opportunities for OASIS Information Channels (Cover Pages and XML.org), OASIS newsletters, receptions, and other events
    • Hosting or participating in regional OASIS Open Standards Day events
    • Speaking on behalf of OASIS at conferences and public forums
  3. Who should join the OASIS PR Group?

    Any OASIS member who would like to stay informed of OASIS PR activities is welcome to subscribe to this group. It is vital that all OASIS Sponsors and Contributors have at least one representative on this list.

  4. How do I join the OASIS PR Group?

    Currently active OASIS members may subscribe at http://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/portal/. Member employees without an OASIS account must first register at http://www.oasis-open.org/kmembership_info/person_signup.

  5. What if my organization uses an outside PR agency?

    Members who contract public relations services from external agencies will need to create an email alias for their representatives using the domain name of the OASIS member organization.