- What does the OASIS Solution Deployment Descriptor (SDD) Technical Committee do?
The OASIS SDD TC is defining a standard for expressing metadata about software deployment and lifecycle management. The primary major areas being standardized are package descriptors and deployment descriptors.
The purpose of this Technical Committee is to define XML schemas to describe the characteristics of software that are relevant for core aspects of its deployment, configuration, and maintenance. This document will be referred to as the Solution Deployment Descriptor (SDD).The complete charter for this group can be found at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/sdd/charter.php.
- Who will benefit from SDD?
SDDs will benefit member companies and the industry in general by providing a consistent model and semantics to address the needs of all aspects of the IT industry dealing with software deployment, configuration, and lifecycle management. The benefits of this work include the ability to:
- describe software solution packages for both single and multi-platform heterogeneous environments.
- describe software solution packages independent of the software installation technology or supplier.
- provide information necessary to permit full lifecycle maintenance of software solutions.
- Who is involved in SDD?
The OASIS SDD TC enjoys representation from a broad range of companies. This includes management companies, hardware vendors, Web service and application server providers, as well as customers of these companies. A list of current OASIS SDD TC members is maintained at http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/membership.php?wg_abbrev=sdd.
The OASIS SDD TC welcomes new participation from all interested parties. You may choose to contribute to this work as a full TC member or merely track our progress as a TC Observer. Contact the TC chair listed on the SDD homepage with specific questions on SDD. Instructions for how to join this TC are provided for OASIS members. Non-members should contact join@oasis-open.org for information on joining the consortium.
- How does SDD compare with related efforts elsewhere?
The OASIS SDD TC has been working to ensure that the needs of the Global Grid Forum (GGF), Application Content Services Working Group are incorporated in the developing standard.
The OASIS SDD TC has been investigating the use of existing and emerging standards from OASIS and other standards bodies where relevant to express concepts related to SDD.
- Are there other SDD deliverables?
The SDD TC intends to publish non-normative reference "profile" information that offers details for promoting interoperability for specific use cases. A "best practices" document to accompany the SDD standard also is planned.
- Is SDD publicly available?
Yes. All documents produced by the OASIS SDD TC can be accessed from http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/documents.php?wg_abbrev=sdd.
- When will the SDD standard be complete?
SDD v1.0 was approved as an OASIS Standard on 1 September 2008. Since then, the Technical Committee has been working on an updated v2.0 specification. As of November 2010, the v2.0 specification is in Committee Specification Draft status and has been approved for submission to 30-day public review.