The original Call for Participation for this TC may be found at
The charter for this TC is as follows.
OASIS Service Oriented Architecture Adoption Blueprints Technical Committee
Statement of purpose
Problem to be solved: In planning and building Service Oriented Architectures (SOA), concrete examples often are useful. SOA designers, vendors and users can reference a wealth of abstract guidelines, descriptions of functional layers and sets of specific standards or software that fulfill SOA requirements.
However, often there is a shortage of clear, demonstrable examples of working implementations based on real needs and requirements that can be used as best practices reference, to kickstart implementation projects and to compare implementations. One way to encourage these examples is to
supply an archetypal "blueprint" set of business requirements and functions that can be fulfilled by SOA methods.
Purpose: The SOA Adoption Blueprints TC will develop, circulate, maintain and update a set of example business profiles or "adoption blueprints" to illustrate the practical deployment of services using SOA methods. Each adoption blueprint will provide a (a) business problem statement, (b) a set of business requirements, and (c) a normative set of functions to be fulfilled, all on a vendor- and specification-neutral basis. The TC anticipates starting with the original "blueprint" scenario created by the project's host, The Middleware Company and its expert group, to be contributed to OASIS. This scenario, the "Generico" core application set, will serve as a basic Adoption Blueprint. It is expected that additional blueprints will be developed to address other business requirement sets. Additional Adoption Blueprints may interoperate with the basic Generico blueprint, or may describe a new separate scenario.
The TC will:
- Circulate, improve, maintain and standardize the existing "Generico" blueprint to be contributed, in the form of a basic Adoption Blueprint.
- Accept contributions of data that may be circulated regarding permutations of specifications and methods that fulfill the blueprints. This data may include sets of standards, specifications, source code or other illustrative lists of methods used to implement the requirements and functions of an Adoption Blueprint.
- Provide perspectives and events designed to help implementers assess interoperability between Adoption Blueprints as well as between specific implementation examples.
- Consider the creation of additional supporting material for the Adoption Blueprints, to make the reference value of each blueprint more robust. These may include additional specified functions, additional feedback and business requirement information obtained from relevant actors in the subject space of the scenario, and additional methods of representing, modeling or formalizing requirement statements.
- Consider the creation of additional Adoption Blueprint scenarios based on end-user requirements, such as an occasionally connected blueprint, a policy management blueprint or a business-to-business blueprint.
- Consider the creation of descriptions of sets of open standards that could fulfill various Adoption Blueprints, when their use demonstrates best practices in SOA.
- A final draft of a reviewed and updated version of the basic Adoption Blueprint, to be issued 4 months from formation of this TC.
- (Optionally) Additional adoption blueprint profiles, and/or extensions of existing blueprints, to fulfill expressed needs to demonstrate new functionalities or evolving user requirements.
- (Optionally) Descriptions or profiles of sets of open standards that could be used in combinations to fulfill the requirements of Adoption Blueprints.
IPR Mode
RF on Limited Terms (as specified in the OASIS IPR Policy)
Anticipated audience
Anyone involved in the design, documentation or implementation of Service Oriented Architectures (SOAs) or components thereof.
English. The TC may elect to form subcommittees that produce localized documentation of the TC's work in additional languages.