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Ballot: Determine the future course of the EKMI TC
CA Technologies
Continue independent of the KMIP TC without changing anything.
I would not assume anything about the work or outcome of the KMIP TC, and therefore it would not serve those who have worked so hard on the EKMI TC, OASIS, or the industry to see the EKMI TC discontinue its work at this time. The KMIP TC may ultimately progress and offer an outstanding standard that either competes directly with or compliments the EKMI TC' work, but in either case OASIS and our industry benefits. If the KMIP TC should fail to deliver, it would be unfortunate if we were left with no standard going forward.

I understand the comments that have been made relative to the personal time and effort invested in the EKMI TC up until now, and that there is a concern that further investments in the TC could ultimately be wasted time, but there was always the possibility that a competing standard could become the one the industry embraces. Even the IEEE 1619.3 initiative, while assumed to be a binary protocol in its initial efforts, was always a potential competitive standard.

If you believe in the product of the EKMI TC, then you believe it can stand the test of competitive approaches and initiatives. I was late getting into the EKMI TC, and so I have less blood and sweat invested (actually, no real blood or sweat so far anyway). As such, my plans are to stay with the EKMI TC but to also join the KMIP TC as well. My goal is to see that a standard gets adopted, and as such I will hold my judgement about what the KMIP TC is or is not going to do relative to the work of the EKMI TC. The EKMI TC is far ahead of the KMIP TC, and therefore while the KMIP TC goes through its initial struggles the EKMI TC has the opportunity to improve upon its work making it more and more difficult for a competing standard to evolve. I do believe that the EKMI TC needs to look beyond the focus it has had over the years, and understand the concerns and motivations of other competing standards initiatives to understand how the EKMI work might benefit by adopting and adapting to a slightly broader scope in the key management space. Such a adaptation could ultimately lead to the KMIP TC disolving or merging with the EKMI TC, it is simply too early to say what outcome is the most likely outcome.