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Ballot: Proposal for changes to DSA mechanism
Cryptsoft Pty Ltd.
Why does this proposal elect to preclude choices of any subprime size other than the fixed list noted and also precludes the use of prime sizes other than the specific fixed value?
This is a pretty substantial change.

Why is there is a list of manifest constants included in this document?
Why is the list incomplete?
Why does it contain a value which differs from v2.30?
Why does it contain two overlapping definitions?

That is also departing from the previous approaches used and departing the from the previous ballot as well in terms of including manifest constants.

#define CKM_AES_CMAC_GENERAL 0x0000108B
#define CKM_AES_CMAC_GENERAL 0x00001089

Why does it contain two overlapping definitions?

#define CKM_AES_CMAC_GENERAL 0x00001089
#define CKM_AES_CTS 0x00001089

As it stands that ballot simply cannot be passed including that information.

The manifest constants should not have been included in the proposal.

I suggest those who have already voted yes to this proposal and don't have a clear answer to the above questions change their votes from yes to no.