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Vote Details

Ballot: Ballot for progressing to CD the DSS Core document
Dajeil Ltd.
I am voting 'Yes', noting the following, mostly editorial issues.

Line 253 - 255 need attention as Manifest verification is now supported.

The fact that there is now both a and optional input complicates things; I would prefer only . In particular, lines 305 to 316 seem to suffer.

The DocumentBaseType derivations should not mention info set items already described in the supertype; e.g. lines 352 - 353 should be removed.

There are some semicolon's in the schema markup between lines 474, 475, 477, 478 that seems erronuous.

Renove 'two' from line 555.

Line 577 should refer to "optional input" not an "".

Line 639, should be .

RequestBaseType and ResponseBaseType are described as abstract elements in the spec and complexType's in the schema; the schema is correct.

Line 1281 Request should be RequestBaseType.

There are a few occurences beginning with the phrase "Fehler!" throughout the document.

If possible, I would like to be mentioned in the Contributors section.
