OASIS Web Services Reliable Exchange (WS-RX) TC
This TC operates under the RF on RAND Mode of the OASIS IPR Policy.
Microsoft Corporation Statement concerning Intellectual
Property Rights, submitted to OASIS 13 April 2006
Peggy Moloney
Microsoft Corporate Standards Legal Team
Microsoft has a published patent application under United States Publication No. 20060047947 that contains one or more claims which, if allowed and issued, may be essential to implement the Web Services Reliable Messaging (WS-RM) Specification currently under development at OASIS. Microsoft commits to provide licenses as required by the OASIS IPR Policy for compliant implementations of the WS-RM specification.
Microsoft will update this statement if and when such pending patent application(s) issue.
Any questions regarding this communication should be directed to Microsoft Standards Inquiries (stdsreq@microsoft.com).
Respectfully,Peggy Moloney
Microsoft Corporate Standards Legal Team