The original Call For Participation for this TC may be found at
The charter for this TC is as follows.
OASIS Web Services Business Process Execution Language Technical Committee (WSBPEL)
Statement of Purpose
The purpose of the Web Services Business Process Execution Language TC is to continue work on the business process language published in the Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) specification in August 2002 [1]. Continuing the approach and design used in BPEL4WS, the work of the BPEL TC will focus on specifying the common concepts for a business process execution language which form the necessary technical foundation for multiple usage patterns including both the process interface descriptions required for business protocols and executable process models. It is explicitly not a goal of the TC to specify bindings to specific hardware/software platforms and other mechanisms required for a complete runtime environment for process implementation.
The Technical Committee will take advantage of the OASIS provided services for such things as e-mail lists and archives, and also web pages for tracking progress. E-mail archives will be visible to the public.
Identification of Existing Activities:
Many efforts related to business process management and related technologies are underway throughout the industry. The following work may be relevant to this Business Process Execution Language TC:
List of Deliverables
The TC has the following deliverables:
- The specification of the core elements and functionalities of BPEL4WS.
- An extension specification for business protocol description
- An extension specification for executable process description
The two extension specifications for the usage patterns of business protocol description and executable process description are normative, mandatory extensions to the core specification and will include only the essential feature extensions required for the given usage pattern.
The scope of the Web Services Business Process Execution Language Technical Committee is the support of process mechanisms in the following areas:
- Sequencing of process activities, especially Web service interactions
- Correlation of messages and process instances
- Recovery behavior in case of failures and exceptional conditions
- Bilateral Web service based relationships between process roles
Specification work in areas not explicitly listed in the scope above is out-of-scope for this TC but will be considered for future TC charters layered on the results of this TC. It is the intent of the proposers that the TC address requested clarifications to this charter; seeking to resolve ambiguities and narrowing the scope of work. Other requested charter changes that are not clarifications may be noted and archived for possible future work after the conclusion of this TC's lifecycle. Each of the process mechanisms will use implementation and language neutral XML formats defined in XML Schema [2].
The OASIS Web Services Business Process Execution Language TC will:
1. Accept contributions as input within the TC's defined scope. BEA, IBM, Microsoft, SAP and Siebel intend to submit the Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) V1.1 specification [3] at the first meeting of the TC. This BPEL4WS document is an update to the BPEL4WS specification published by IBM, Microsoft, and BEA on August 9th 2002. The revised document is a modularized and updated version of the original specification that clearly identifies the core concepts and required extensions for BPEL4WS.
2. Produce as output a specification, in one or more documents, for the "Web Services Business Process Execution Language", hereafter referred to as the "resultant specification". This resultant specification will reflect refinements and corrections that are identified by the TC members within the scope of the TC charter. In the interests of stability, continuity and speed, the committee will not make arbitrary changes, i.e. scope will be limited to material technologic improvements. At the TC's option, suggestions for future features, out-of-scope extensions, harmonization with other or broader work and the like may be noted and archived for possible future work after the conclusion of this TC's lifecycle. The final draft of the resultant specification will be due within 9 months of the first meeting.
3. Identify relevant Web services efforts to assist in leveraging the resultant specification as a part of their specifications or solutions.
4. Establish appropriate relationships and coordinate with the chairs of the other business process related standards organizations and industry groups as appropriate, and in accordance with the OASIS Bylaws and TC Process.
5. Oversee ongoing maintenance and errata of the resultant specification.
[1] Business process execution language for Web Services specification, August 2002
[3] Business process execution language for Web Services specification V1.1, March 2003