Promotional Guidelines for OASIS Members

Distributing Company Press Releases
Inclusion in OASIS Press Releases
OASIS Quotes for Member Company Press Releases
OASIS Media Relations Policy
Speaking Engagements and Presentations
Sponsor Logos
Member Discounts
OASIS Member Logo

Distributing Company Press Releases

OASIS members stay current on industry news by subscribing and posting to our email list, announce@lists.oasis-open.org. Any Sponsor or Contributor member may email their company press releases to announce@.

When posting press releases to announce@lists.oasis-open.org, be sure:

  1. You are subscribed to the OASIS PR Group
  2. The subject line of your email starts with 'OASIS Member News:' followed by your headline;
  3. You configure your mail program to send as PLAIN TEXT only. Please do not send formatted text, HTML or MIME multipart messages. Do not include attachments or embedded graphics.

Members and non-members may subscribe to announce@ by using the Subscription Manager.

Inclusion in OASIS Press Releases

While OASIS deeply appreciates the contributions of all members to our technical work, only Sponsor member companies are listed and quoted in announcements directed to the press. The higher Sponsor member dues underwrite the cost of promotional activities such as press releases. All OASIS TC members--Sponsors, Contributors, and Individuals--are listed in appropriate OASIS member communications and OASIS web site pages and documents, such as specifications.

Members are notified of opportunities to be included in OASIS press releases via the OASIS PR Group. This group serves as a mechanism to enable organizations to take full advantage of the promotional benefits of OASIS membership. The OASIS PR Group facilitates communication between OASIS and professionals responsible for press and analyst relations for each of our member organizations. All OASIS Sponsors and Contributors are encouraged to subscribe one or more media relations representatives to this Group.

OASIS Quotes for Member Company Press Releases

The Consortium is always happy to provide quotes for member press releases. Although OASIS cannot endorse products, we can comment on your company's commitment to open standards by virtue of your work at OASIS. If you are interested in using a quote from an OASIS staff member in your press release, contact communications@oasis-open.org.

OASIS Media Relations Policy

To minimize the risk of confusion, mixed messages and premature reporting, members and other organizations are asked to review and follow the OASIS Media Relations Policy. This document covers press releases, contributed articles, presentations at conferences or any official communications with the media or in a public forum regarding OASIS technical work.

Speaking Engagements and Presentations

OASIS works to promote presentations concerning the activities of the Consortium and its TCs. If a representative from your company is speaking at a public conference--and the presentation focuses on any OASIS Standards or TC specifications, we will be happy to post information on the OASIS event calendar and in OASIS News. After the conference, your presentation or a link to it may be posted on the OASIS web site. Please contact events@oasis-open.org with details.

Sponsor Logos

The OASIS homepage features a rotating display of Sponsor member logos. This is a very visible way to get the recognition you deserve as a Sponsor of the Consortium. Logos are linked directly to your company's homepage. If your company is an OASIS Sponsor and your logo does not currently appear on the homepage, please email a gif or jpeg version of your logo to webmaster@oasis-open.org. If you are a Contributor and would like to upgrade your membership to take advantage of this promotional benefit, please contact member-services@oasis-open.org


OASIS News is a weekly e-newsletter providing updates on announcements, activities, and accomplishments of the Consortium. Members automatically receive OASIS News via the members@lists.oasis-open.org email list.

Member Discounts

Consortium participants take advantage of many OASIS Member Discounts on conferences, training, research reports, etc. If you would like to offer other OASIS members discounts on your company's services or products, contact events@oasis-open.org with details.

OASIS Member Logo

OASIS Sponsors and Contributors are encouraged to display the OASIS Member logo on their websites and printed materials. This members-only benefit shows customers, employees and investors that your company is at the forefront of advancing interoperability and XML standards for industry.