Entity Management

9401:1997 Entity Management

Two different but related issues pertaining to entity management impede interoperability of SGML documents:

  • that of interpreting external identifiers in entity declarations so that an SGML document can be processed by different vendors' tools on a single computer system, and
  • that of moving SGML documents to different computers in a way that preserves the association of external identifiers in entity declarations with the correct files or other storage objects.

While there are many important issues involved and a complete solution is beyond the current scope, the OASIS membership agrees upon the enclosed set of conventions to address a useful subset of the complete problem. To address issue A, this resolution defines an entity catalog that maps an entity's external identifier and/or name to a file name, URL, or other storage object identifier. To address issue B, this resolution defines a simple interchange packaging scheme using an interchange catalog to associate a public identifier with each interchanged file.

This Technical Resolution is available in HTML, PS, and XML formats.

Entity Resolution Technical Committee