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* XLIFF TC Call (Conference Call)
Name * XLIFF TC Call (Conference Call)
Time Tuesday, 20 June 2017, 11:00am to 12:00pm EDT
(Tuesday, 20 June 2017, 03:00pm to 04:00pm UTC)

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Date: Tuesday, 20 June 2017, 11:00am to 12:00pm EDT

I. Admin


Attendance: Bryan, DavidF, Lucía, Tom

We have quorum.


DavidF: the OASIS regulations are changing, and it is changing to a call for dissent (if you are not getting more than 15 negative votes).


A. Approved meeting minutes for 16-May, 2017

Bryan:  I move to approve meeting minutes for 16-May, 2017


DavidF: I second.

Bryan: meeting minutes approved.


B. Public review is underway, through 20 June, 2017

Bryan: we need to check the availability for the TC members during the Summer.

We have received comments from Yves to this review.

DavidF: we have one technical comment on the ITS schematron. This type of changes are material and might require another review. We cannot resolve this issue without Yves, Felix and Soroush. We could decide whether to go to another review or not depending on how we consider this issue, it is a syntax error. This is the only technical issue was discovered. The other changes can be classified clearly as editorial. We should decide on this specific technical issue.

Bryan: this issue is not very controversial.

Tom: Since the schematron files are non-normative, we should consider it an editorial fix.

DavidF: Schematron is normative, what is not normative is the XSLT outputs of the schematron. If the errors are only in the XSLT that would be a good thing, I have to check if they are also in the original schematron. (David checks the schematron and shows it on the screen).

We should decide what to do this summer. I cannot make the two next meetings. Lucía, can you make a doodle?

Lucía: Sure.

DavidF: I will be available for editorial work. I could have the errors fixed if the issues are solved by then. Comments should be transferred to JIRA, any TC member can do it.

Bryan:  I might be able to do some of it.

DavidF: the comments should be transfer to JIRA and then they should be assigned to members. Many issues are simply editorial issues. (David shows how the comments can be transferred to JIRA).

Bryan: I will make an effort to have the new ones in, is there a date?

DavidF: midJuly should be fine as we might not have the first meeting in July.

DavidF: it is important to catalog the schematron one. It might be straightforward to fix it and can be mark as editorial. I am not really into xpath so I do not know. Any other comment on this topic?



IV. Sub Committee Report

DavidF: the ISO version is still not out. There seems to be a misunderstanding with OASIS, Jamey is working on resolving it with the Geneva secretariat before the Vienna meeting. Peter and I will be in the Vienna meeting.

The future directions on TBX will be presented in Vienna. Compatibility with XLIFF might be agreed.


The call for papers for the California meeting is out.  https://easychair.org/cfp/FEISGILTT2017 Please distribute the word. 15 July is the deadline. If you have a keynote/invited speaker in mind, please let me know.



Bryan: meeting adjourned.


I. Admin

  A. Approved meeting minutes for 16-May, 2017


  B. Public review is underway, through 20 June, 2017


II. As specified earlier, let's focus on the end game plan.

III. SOU readiness

IV. Sub Committee Report (0:45 - 0:55)

V.  Current and New Business (0:55 -

Submitter Bryan Schnabel
GroupOASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC
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