Computing Ecosystem Supply-Chain CES TC

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Chair: Tom Dodson, Intel Corporation

Chair: Joaquin Sufuentes, Intel Corporation

OASIS Staff Contact: Kelly Cullinane


Companies participating in ecosystems require standards to exchange and operationalize data beyond the current integration with existing suppliers and customers (1 up & 1 down). Ecosystem coordination today requires multi-tier (N to N) data relationships to foster better supply chain planning, enhanced visibility, as well as deeper traceability in order to build trusted, secure, and sustainable products and services.

The computing ecosystem recognizes that as digital transformation drives more industries to build intelligent systems, standardizing the data exchanged by member companies across such a network will facilitate building resilient capacity, trusted hardware and software, secure systems and sustainable practices to benefit all customers and end users.

To that end, we will define data schemas and ontologies, APIs, and smart contracts that allow the data exchange to be achieved on blockchain infrastructure (or other distributed data infrastructure) for use cases valued by the contributing members to the technical committee.

Group Notes


Table of Contents


    Read the press release announcing the launch of the CES-TC here.

    Participation in the OASIS CES-TC is open to all interested parties. Contact for more information.


    The scope of the work of the CES TC will be developing use cases, standards (data schemas, ontologies) and APIs that enable end-to-end visibility for supply chains.

    For more information, see the CES-TC Charter.

    OASIS Open Source Repositories Sponsored by the Committee

    The TC Open Repository can be found here here.

    Mailing Lists and Comments

    CES-TC: the discussion list used by TC members to conduct Committee work. TC membership is required to post, and TC members are automatically subscribed. The public may view the OASIS list archives.

    CES-TC-comment: a public mailing list for providing feedback on the technical work of the CES-TC. To send a comment, follow the instructions on the TC's public web page here or view the OASIS comment list archives.

    Press Coverage and Commentary

    OASIS Members to Advance Global Standard for Computing Ecosystem Supply Chain Data Exchange; 21 February 2024

    Public Resources


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