XLIFF TC Meeting (Conference Call) | |
Name | XLIFF TC Meeting (Conference Call) |
Time | Tuesday, 02 September 2014, 11:00am to 12:00pm EDT
(Tuesday, 02 September 2014, 03:00pm to 04:00pm UTC) |
Description | Please get the dial in information from our private Action Item here: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/members/action_item.php?action_item_id=3663 |
Minutes | Attendance: Tom, Fredrik, David Filip, Lucia, Yves, Joachim, Uwe, David Walters, Asanka, Soroush, Bryan joined later. dF started chairing: Rollcall done (meeting achived quorum with 10 voters out of 13), last meeting did not achieve quorum, minutes to be sent FYI http://markmail.org/message/2p4voby3sgkdkbmn DF: We have not received any comments; regarding the Media Type Registration during the public review period. We can make it a committee specification w/o any changes except front matter. We can proceed if nobody wants to start a discussion at this point. I move that the TC approves the Officers requesting that TC Administration hold a Special Majority Ballot to approve Media Type Registration Template for XLIFF Version 2.0 Committee Specification Draft 02 /Public Review Draft 01 20 May 2014 available at: http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/xliff-media/v2.0/csprd01/xliff-media-v2.0-csprd01.html http://docs.oasis-open.org/xliff/xliff-media/v2.0/csprd01/xliff-media-v2.0-csprd01.pdf Tom: I second. Ballot rollcall: Yes: Tom, Fredrik, David Filip, Lucia, Yves, Joachim, Uwe, David Walters, Asanka, Soroush No: N/A Abstain: N/A The motion passes unanimously
II XLIFF 2.1 A. New XLIFF 2.1 Tracker page [Bryan joins call and takes over chairing] B. Items: Df : We have discussed on the W3C interest group that we should freeze now the development. We will need some owners for some things to do. The first thing that come to mind is the storage size, I think Fredrik would be the right person to accomplish the task. Mapping the ITS storage size would basically mean to make an ITS profile within the slr module. Fredrik: I had looked at it some time ago but I will need to look again. dF: Thanks, Fredrik, for taking this AI. DF: I have set up a the XLIFF 2.1 template for spec development on the svn this Summer. http://tools.oasis-open.org/version-control/browse/wsvn/xliff/trunk/xliff-21/ C. Test XLIFF 2.1 Schedule (Kevin) Bryan: We have a procedure for the next implementations. In order to track those changes, we need to follow the standard procedure. We have allocated a space on our wiki: [Bryan shows his screen to demonstrate the new feature tracker, the 2.0 is still available as archive to use as reference, if a new item needs to be created we need to go to the bottom of the page and add a new item. Then the title needs to be inserted and include the importance, category, the summary, and details can be added after the “endSummary”, finally you can click on “save your changes”, our feature will be displayed under “features under consideration for XLIFF 2.1”. We have made a commitment to the community to have a procedure to implement new contributions and develop new features. DF: Feature being approved means only that a ballot decides that it is approved; it does not imply that they are implemented on the spec, that would be another dimension in our tracking. Approved feature progress is tracked and if they do not show enough progress close the release date, they can be dropped. Bryan: I wonder if we should set a threshold based on number of new features for making or not a new minor version, XLIFF 2.x+1. DF: there are cases that merit a new version even if you add only one feature. The usefulness of our standard for the web community makes it important that the ITS mapping becomes a feature. We are sure that 2.1 is needed. Updates of some modules and advanced validation are needed too. I wouldn’t worry with making an a generalized rule for XLIFF 2.x+1. We will see if feature requests warrant a new dot version when we get there. Fredrik: the publication cycle is key; we need to see how to shorten the administrative tasks it to fit within the year. Maybe a gamble is needed and we need to start working on 2.x+1 while 2.x is not yet approved as os. We could use more online ballots. Df: We can use online ballots for internal decisions and we have to use them for the special majority ballots and there is a certail number of air time ballots that cannot be avided to request the special majority ballots. I don’t think this was the main issue, we have internal ballots only when discussion does not lead to consensus. There are some steps that take unpredictable time. I do not know if that can be changed, that depends on Admin workload. What is in our scope is that we can avoid having three public reviews if we are working on a minor version. It was indeed impossible to avid on the 2.0 version as it was radically new and major architecture change happened between 1st and 2nd PR. As soon as the TC considers the 2.1 technically stable, the Officers can work on the administrative processes and the TC can start working on the next version. Bryan: It is unlikely that we will be able to avoid having two public reviews, even on minor versions. But as you said, we can try to be more efficient. And try to find a balance between the administrative and technical work, which we did not quite manage when 2.0 was getting approved, 1. because being so thrilled and 2. because of being in the middle of summer vacations. III Sub Committee Report David: We will clear the SOU report today. There is a good publicity momentum around XLIFF 2.0 becoming OS: OASIS PR with strong quotes from Microsof, Oracle, Comtech and Bryan, https://www.oasis-open.org/news/pr/oasis-approves-xliff-2-0-localization-interchange-standard CNGL published today a blog post written by myself, http://www.cngl.ie/blog/xliff-2-0-now-the-oasis-standard/ Moravia did also a post on the new/good things about the new version, 7 things non-techies need to know about XLIFF 2.0. http://info.moravia.com/blog/bid/354057/What-s-So-Sexy-About-XLIFF-2-0 There will be the 5.5th [and halfth] Symposium in Vancouver event. So far, we have Yves and John Watkins as speakers, we want the symposium to be very interactive, position statements with extended discussions rather than classic conference talks. It would be good to have somebody from Microsoft there to discuss the API topic that will be introduced by Yves. If you know any interesting speakers or topics we still have time, we still accept proposals this week. There is no need to register for the main LocWorld conference, FEISGILTT is an independent event in that sense. There was the idea of sending XLIFF 2.0 to ISO, that was an idea by Peter Reynolds, and I do not know how that can be made, as we haven’t seen Peter for some time. Joachim, maybe you can have a look at that if Peter does not come back? Joachim: Yes, I can do it. Bryan: If you have new business to the agenda, let me know. Meeting adjourned
1. Clearing the SOU report (will circulate in 30min or so.. 2. Vancouver Symposium 3. Sending XLIFF 2.0 to ISO
1. Clearing the SOU report . Lucia goes through the information contained on the report. Df: we will ask for a call of dissent. It will be publish on the LRC website as usual. It can be considered as clear for release as no dissent has been received.
2. Sending XLIFF 2.0 to ISO DF: Peter, we would like advice on submitting 2.0 to ISO. PR: Essentially, what we can do in a situation like this is a fast track mechanism, but it stills takes time, a translation in French should be provided. We could submit it as part of the TC37 (which deals with translation and terminology). The main reason to propose it as ISO is to get a better coverage and promotion. DF: In practical terms, what is the procedure? The next meeting? PR: I can do it myself in behalf of the TC if everyone agrees. There is another person that can do it (Jamie Clark from OASIS) as well. DF: We worked with Jamie some time ago. Can you attend to the next TC meeting? And if possible inform Bryan to add that item to the agenda. PR: It is better if somebody from OASIS is involved, we need to make clear that the XLIFF TC is the developer. DF: The next meeting will take place on the 16th of September 2014. On the meantime you can talk to Bryan and Jamie.
3 Vancouver Symposium 5 and a half symposium, collocated with LocWorld in Vancouvert. It is a free event. So far we have two speakers http://www.localizationworld.com/lwvan2014/programDescription.php#P05 DF: Joachim, have you heard about Alan Melby? JS: I have not heard from him. DF: I will try to contact him again, if you reach him please let him know that I would like to contact him. JS: There are other people that you contact about TBX. PR: Hanna is the chair of the TBX committee, she is the person you should contact. DF: Can anybody contact her? PR: I can put you in contact with her. She has a preconference of her own. DF: If you put me in contact I can discuss the options with her. We need somebody technically enough that can come. DF: There is another submission my one of my phd students, we are waiting for the reviews. DF: Any suggestions for Vancouver or questions? We will accept speakers this week. https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=feisgiltt2014
New business:
PR: This is the TBX pre-conference session: http://www.localizationworld.com/lwvan2014/programDescription.php#P03
Bryan, we've put the medial type registration template on the back burner. But we need to bring it up today. The public review cleared w/o comments more than a month ago. I will try and prepare language for making the form a CS. Could you please add that to the agenda? Thanks dF
On Mon, Sep 1, 2014 at 4:32 AM, <workgroup_mailer@lists.oasis-open.org> wrote: Event Title: XLIFF TC Meeting Date: Tuesday, 02 September 2014, 11:00am to 12:00pm EDT Please get the dial in information from our private Action Item here: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/xliff/members/action_item.php?action_item_id=3663
Agenda I Administration (0:00 - 0:10) A. Roll call https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201407/msg00010.html
A. New XLIFF 2.1 Tracker page
Owner: Bryan Schnabel Microsoft Outlook users: You will see event notifications requiring further action in your Outlook mail application.
Agenda | I Administration (0:00 - 0:10) A. Roll call https://lists.oasis-open.org/archives/xliff/201407/msg00010.html
A. New XLIFF 2.1 Tracker page - Bryan B. Medial type registration template - David
Submitter | Bryan Schnabel |
Group | OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC |
Access | This event is visible to OASIS XML Localisation Interchange File Format (XLIFF) TC and shared with