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Dave Orchard - BEA Systems, Inc.
David Orchard is technical director in BEA Systems' CTO Office, focusing on Web services standards. He participates in the W3C Technical Architecture Group, Web Services Addressing, Web Services Description, and Advisory committees. He is currently or has been a co-editor of the W3C TAG findings on Extensibility/Versioning and Abstract Component designators, Web Services Architecture, Web Services Usage
Scenarios, XML Link, XInclude, WS-Coordination, WS-Addressing, WS-ReliableMessaging, WS-MetadataExchane, WS-Eventing, WS-Transfer and SOAP-Conversation specifications. He has written numerous technical articles and is a frequent speaker on various internet related technologies.
Ash Parikh - Raining Data Corporation
Ash Parikh is the director of technology and development of the enterprise application business at Raining Data Corporation. He is a named expert in the field of distributed computing and has presented and authored abstracts for Delphi BPX Summit 2004, Delphi Enterprise On-Demand 2004, JavaOne 2004, JavaOne 2003, BEA e-World 2002, and JavaOne 2002. He has over 15 years of IT experience and is an active member on a number of JSRs on the Java Community Process and Technical Committees on OASIS. He is also the president of the Bay Area Chapter of the Worldwide Institute of Software Architects. He is the collaborating author of "Oracle9iAS Building J2EE Applications" (Osborne Press, November 2002), and has also authored several technical articles in leading journals such as JavaPro, Web Services Journal, ADT Mag, SoftwareMag, JavaSkyline, etc.
George Percivall - Open Geospatial Consortium
George Percivall is the Executive Director, Interoperability Architecture for the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC). He is responsible for the Interoperability Program and the Reference Architecture for OGC. He has been project leader and editor for several OGC and ISO specifications for geospatial interoperability. Prior to joining OGC, he represented NASA in OGC based on 20 years of experience in system engineering for remote sensing information systems. He received a BS in Physics and an MS in Electrical Engineering both from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.
Ellen Perry - MTG Management Consultants, LLC.
Ellen Perry is a manager with MTG Management Consultants, L.L.C., an independent consulting firm providing information technology planning and business management services to local, state, provincial, and federal government agencies. With more than 15 years of IT experience in public safety and health care, her range of expertise includes business modeling, data analysis, system development and support, project management, and quality assurance. She is the co-chair of the OASIS LegalXML Integrated Justice Technical Committee and is a nationally recognized Global Justice XML Data Model (GJXDM) expert.
Dick Raman - TIE Holding NV - UN/CEFACT
Dick Raman graduated from the Free University of Amsterdam where he studied Business Economics. After a brief teaching career, he started to work for IBM in the Netherlands where he was trained as a consultant for the Information Network department. In 1987, he left IBM to start his own company providing software for Electronic Trading. The company has grown considerably and today has five subsidiaries and over thirty agents worldwide. On March 2nd 2000, the company was listed on the Amsterdam Stock Exchange as TIE Holding NV. Dick Raman has gained worldwide recognition as an expert in the field of Electronic Commerce. In 1996 he published a successful book followed in 1999 by another one titled: "XML/EDI - Cyber Assisted Business in Practice". He is a recognized Visionary and Keynote speaker on eCommerce at worldwide events. For many years, Dick has been the Head of Delegation in UN/CEFACT for EEMA. In November 1999, he was appointed to the Steering Group of ebXML, as Team Leader of the Quality Review Team. In June 1999, he was appointed Chairman of the CEN/ISSS XML/EDI Workshop, which merged with EBES to form the new B2B eCommerce Standardization body eBES. In May 2001, he was appointed Chairman of this new organization. In March 2004 he was elected Chairman of eBIF, the European Interoperability Forum, set up under the auspices of CEN/ISSS and the European Commission. In September 2004, Dick was elected Chair of the UN/CEFACT Forum Management Group, providing leadership to the global B2Bi standardization.
Robert Roth - Cendant
Robert Roth is a Director of Enterprise Architecture for Cendant TDS, a leading provider of travel industry technologies. He is responsible for the development and management of Service Oriented Architecture platforms and technologies surrounding web-services and XML technologies. Robert is an active speaker at many technology conferences and industry events.
John Ruegg - LA County Information Systems Advisory Body
John Ruegg is the Director of the Los Angeles County Information Systems Advisory Body (ISAB) which is a permanent multi-agency funded organization dedicated to criminal justice system integration within LA County, California. John has responsibility for initiating and promoting criminal justice enterprise initiatives including data integration utilizing Integration Broker technologies, enterprise document management tools for inter-intra agency document exchange and multi-agency criminal justice data warehouse development. John is also an active member on the U.S. DOJ standards committee for the "National Law Enforcement Information Sharing (LEIS)" task force, member of the OASIS LegalXMLCourtfiling Technical Committee, public sector chair for the OASIS LegalXML Integrated Justice technical committee and co-chair of the Global Security Infrastrucure task force sponsored by the U.S. DOJ. John has over 20 years experience in healthcare and criminal justice systems, project management, system analysis and programming.
Bryan Schnabel - Tektronix Inc.
Bryan Schnabel is the XML Information Architect for Tektronix Inc. He is a seasoned XML practitioner. He embraces XML as a portable, scalable, platform, and vendor independent means to best utilize and protect a company's valuable data. Upon completing his Bachelor of Science, and Master's degree at Central Michigan University, Bryan began Information Architecting for the Automotive Industry. He began solving problems with Standards based technology early on, first with SGML, then with XML. His accomplishments include serving on the J2008 Automotive Standard Committee, serving as Detroit Director of the Midwest SGML Forum, establishing and directing the OregonXML Forum, and serving on the OASIS XLIFF Technical Committee.
Robert Smik - Raning Data Corporation
Robert Smik is a Lead Architect/Team Lead with the Enterprise Applications Group at Raining Data Corporation. He has been involved in application and software design and development for more than 15 years. His experience includes design and development of highly complex database systems, architecting multitier Web environments, architecting and developing various connectivity solutions, products, and smart cards, in addition to SOA and data aggregation tools. Robert is an active member of HL7 and CDISC.
Gunther Stuhec - SAP
Since his master's degree (MSC, 1993), Gunther Stuhec has worked with communications and EDI technologies. Since 2001 Gunther works for SAP and has been involved in standardizing XML-based business standards. He has the following functions in the national and international standardization bodies - UN/CEFACT - TMG chair, CCWG member, ATG2 editor, FMG member - ISO TC 154 member - DIN - chair of standards committee for business, member of committee of strategy in information technology
Paul Tearnen - RosettaNet
Paul Tearnen is Vice President of Standards Management at RosettaNet, a self-funded consortium of leading information technology, electronic components, semiconductor manufacturing and solution provider companies working to create and implement industry-wide, open e-business process standards. In this strategic senior management role, Paul is responsible for leading the RosettaNet standards organization, including the ongoing development of the RosettaNet Implementation Framework (RNIF), Partner Interface Processes® (PIPs®), and Technical Dictionaries. In general, he directs the consortium's formal industry initiatives, including Milestone, Foundational and Methodology Programs, and is the primary author of the RosettaNet B2B Roadmap, which entails a forward-looking strategy for Web services, interoperability and standards convergence.
Darrel Thomas - EDS Hosting Services
Darrel Thomas is the Chief Technologist of the EDS Hosting Services division, where he leads the architecture, implementation, and global business-to-technology Infrastructure strategy of EDS Global Infrastructure Portfolio-to-Technology Development-to-Production Engineering-to-Service Delivery business and technology strategy interfaces. This includes the responsibilities for the technology integration of the Custom and Automated Hosting Services technology and operations, technology due diligence, architectural design, lifecycle, interdependency analysis, and complete integration of the EDS Agile Infrastructure strategy to the overall EDS landscape. His responsibilities also include evangelism across EDS and the computing industry. He is a core member of the EDS Corporate Technology Strategy Team, which is transforming EDS Global Business and Technology Model. Darrel is also the co-founder and co-creator of the Data Center Markup Language (DCML) standard, and a Board Member of the DCML Organization. Data Center Markup Language (DCML) is the first vendor-neutral, open language to describe data center environments, dependencies between data center components and the policies governing management and construction of those environments. Information on this groundbreaking standard can be found at http://www.dcml.org. Darrel holds a BS in Computer Science from Millsaps College in Jackson, Mississippi.
Michal Zaremba - Digital Enterprise Research Institute, DERI
Michal Zaremba is a researcher with DERI, working as system architect and developer in Semantic Web service systems. He is a founding member of the WSMO and WSMX working group and member of the Semantic Web Services Interest Group (SWSI) and the Semantic Web Services Architecture Committee (SWSA). Michal was a contributor to the open source implementation of the ebXML registry/repository.