
Call for Consent for two PKCS 11 committee specifications

PKCS 11 Specification V3.1 and PKCS #11 Profiles V3.1 from the PKCS 11 TC submitted for OASIS Standards

The OASIS PKCS #11 TC [1] have approved submitting the following Project Specifications to the OASIS Membership in a call for consent for OASIS Standard:

  • PKCS #11 Specification Version 3.1
    Committee Specification 01
    11 August 2022
  • PKCS #11 Profiles Version 3.1
    Committee Specification 01
    14 July 2022

This is a call to the primary or alternate representatives of OASIS Organizational Members to consent or object to this approval. You are welcome to register your consent explicitly on the ballot; however, your consent is assumed unless you register an objection [2]. To register an objection, you must:

  1. Indicate your objection on this ballot, and
  2. Provide a reason for your objection and/or a proposed remedy to the project.

You may provide the reason in the comment box or by email to the Open Project on its comment mailing list [2]. If you provide your reason by email, please indicate in the subject line that this is in regard to the Call for Consent. Note that failing to provide a reason and/or remedy may result in an objection being deemed invalid.


The Call for Consent opens at 10 July 2023 00:00 UTC and closes on 23 July 2023 23:59 pm timezone. You can access the ballot at:

Internal link for voting members: https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/voting/ballot.php?id=3784

Publicly visible link: https://www.oasis-open.org/committees/ballot.php?id=3784

OASIS members should ensure that their organization’s voting representative responds according to the organization’s wishes. If you do not know the name of your organization’s voting representative is, go to the My Account page at


then click the link for your Company (at the top of the page) and review the list of users for the name designated as “Primary”.

Additional information


Project IPR page

[2] Comments may be submitted to the TC by any person through the use of the OASIS TC Comment Facility as explained in the instructions located via the button labeled “Send A Comment” at the top of the TC public home page, or directly at:


Comments submitted for this work and for other work of this TC/OP are publicly archived and can be viewed at:
