Interpretations Policy
OASIS Standards are developed and maintained by OASIS Technical Committees (TCs). The OASIS organization supports and facilitates TC activities but does not directly create or interpret Standards created by TCs. Any implementer or other interested person seeking interpretation of the wording of an OASIS Standard may place their request directly to the Technical Committee responsible for the Standard in question using the public comment mailing list for the TC. The public mailing list for an OASIS Technical Committee and instructions for joining it can be found on the TC’s web page at In the event that a party needs assistance in finding the correct TC for their request, they can contact the OASIS TC Administrator at Based on information provided in the request, an OASIS staff person will direct the requestor to the appropriate publicly available and archived comment mailing list and optionally other available mail lists so that the requestor may have a direct dialogue with the proper TC. All implementers and interested persons are also encouraged to participate in the Technical Committee for the mutual benefit of their implementation and the standard development process.
Approved: Wed, 2012-05-02
Effective: Wed, 2012-05-02