Use this form to assign Project Administration the task of submitting a draft for its second or later public review. See Holding a public review for background information.

You can include the request to publish the approved draft as part of this ticket. Make sure your approval minutes or ballot approve both the publication of the draft and its release for public review. See TC Motion Language Templates for a sample motion.

Please enter one request ticket for each public review you are requesting. Do not group multiple specifications together in one ticket.

Contact Project Administration with any questions.

Request a second or subsequent public review

Use this form to assign Project Administration the task of submitting a draft for its second or later public review.
  • Please enter the full name of the Technical Committee or Open Project.
  • Enter the main working email address for your project (e.g. or ). A confirmation copy of this assignment will be sent to the address.
  • Enter the title and version number for this draft document.
  • Provide a link to the meeting minutes or ballot documenting the approval of submitting the draft for public review. The motion in the minutes or the ballot must include the title of work and a link to the draft content that is to be submitted for review. If draft is made up of multiple files, please package them into a single ZIP file and approve that so that there is no confusion later as to what the committee intended to be published. See TC Motion Language Templates for suitable motion or ballot language templates.
  • Provide the link to the comment resolution log reporting comments received on the previous public review and the project's decisions on their disposition. See Handling comments received during a public review for background information.
  • Notice of public reviews is shared with all OASIS members and Open Project email list. If you would like anyone else notified, please list the name and email address, one per line, here. Individuals will be bcc’ed on the announcement.
  • Provide any additional information you wish to communicate to Project Administration here.