Use this form to assign Project Administration the task of holding a Special Majority Vote to approve rechartering a project. This requirement generally only applies to Technical Committees. Rechartering is any change to the charter that expands a TC’s scope.

Note that rechartering will require restarting the project. See 2.12 TC Rechartering for more information.

Contact Project Administration with any questions.

Request a Special Majority Vote to approve rechartering a TC

Use this form to assign Project Administration the task of holding a Special Majority Vote to approve rechartering a project.
  • Please enter the full name of the Technical Committee or Open Project.
  • Enter the main working email address for your project (e.g. or ). A confirmation copy of this assignment will be sent to the address.
  • Enter the link to a copy of the revised charter clearly showing the changes from the current charter.
  • Provide any additional information you wish to communicate to Project Administration here.