Start a Technical Committee
The OASIS TC program gives you the ability to develop specifications in an open, lightweight process with a path to recognition in international policy and procurement. If you’re starting a new TC, OASIS will provide the resources and support you need. Here are the basic steps:

LINE UP PROPOSERS – You’ll need a minimum of five people from at least two OASIS TC member organizations. (Most TCs start with more. It’s a good way to show relevance and attract more participants.) If any proposers aren’t already OASIS members, OASIS staff can help them join.

DRAFT A CHARTER – Our TC charter template covers the problem you’re trying to solve, a description of the scope of work, the list of initial proposers, and the IPR mode that the group plans to follow. When you’ve got the basics down, share your draft confidentially with the OASIS TC Admin, who can provide feedback and answer any questions.

SUBMIT YOUR DRAFT CHARTER FOR REVIEW – When your draft charter is complete, the OASIS TC Admin will start a 14-day Call for Comment period. One of the Proposers must keep track of any feedback.

TC CONVENER MEETING – The TC Admin will hold a call with the Convener and Proposers, along with any other OASIS members who wish to attend, in order to review the charter, respond to comments, and resolve any issues.

RESPOND TO MEMBER COMMENTS – Whether or not you change your charter to address the feedback, you do need to respond in writing to each comment using a comment resolution log. The TC Admin will help with this.

ISSUE CALL FOR PARTICIPATION – The TC Admin issues a formal announcement that the project is starting. Within this 30-day window, new members have a chance to sign on in time to attend the first meeting. OASIS staff will work with you during this time to recruit more participants and promote your project.

FIRST TC MEETING – This is the official launch of the TC with the election of chair/co-chairs and members can decide on how to organize the TC’s work and meeting schedule. After the election, work can begin. Members who do not attend the first meeting will gain voting rights after attending two consecutive meetings.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, to comply with the OASIS IPR Policy and TC Process, you must be on the roster as a Committee Member or Observer before being eligible to attend an official TC meeting. Committees occasionally hold workshops, seminars, birds-of-a-feather sessions, webinars, etc. that are open to the public. OASIS staff and TC chairs are also available to answer your questions about technical work prior to joining.
Once the Call for Comment period begins on your draft charter, OASIS staff will work with you to identify and recruit more members.
The process to get a new TC started takes approximately 2 months. Once the co-proposers have a charter drafted, there’s a 14-day Call for Comment, followed by a convener meeting. The TC Admin then issues a Call for Participation that lasts a minimum of 30 days, and the first meeting takes place after that.
Generally, the more stakeholder organizations you have involved, the easier it will be to attract others. OASIS staff will help you recruit participants during your Call for Comment, but you should try to identify as many supporters as possible as early in the process as you can.