Call for Participation: Value Stream Management Interoperability (VSMI)
New TC aims to standardize interoperability for Value Stream Management for the software development lifecycle (SDLC) - from planning, building, validating, to delivering.
A new OASIS technical committee is being formed. The Value Stream Management Interoperability (VSMI) Technical Committee (TC) has been proposed by the members of OASIS listed in the charter below. The TC name, statement of purpose, scope, list of deliverables, audience, IPR mode and language specified in this proposal will constitute the TC’s official charter. Submissions of technology for consideration by the TC, and the beginning of technical discussions, may occur no sooner than the TC’s first meeting.
The eligibility requirements for becoming a participant in the TC at the first meeting are:
(a) you must be an employee or designee of an OASIS member organization or an individual member of OASIS, and
(b) you must join the Technical Committee, which members may do by using the Roster “join group: link on the TC’s web page at [a].
To be considered a voting member at the first meeting:
(a) you must join the Technical Committee at least 7 days prior to the first meeting (on or before 04 July 2022; and
(b) you must attend the first meeting of the TC, at the time and date fixed below (11 July 2022).
Participants also may join the TC at a later time. OASIS and the TC welcomes all interested parties.
Non-OASIS members who wish to participate may contact us about joining OASIS [b]. In addition, the public may access the information resources maintained for each TC: a mail list archive, document repository and public comments facility, which will be linked from the TC’s public home page at [c].
Please feel free to forward this announcement to any other appropriate lists. OASIS is an open standards organization; we encourage your participation.
[a] https://www.oasis-open.org/apps/org/workgroup/vsmi/
[b] See http://www.oasis-open.org/join/
[c] http://www.oasis-open.org/committees/vsmi/
OASIS Value Stream Management Interoperability (VSMI) Technical Committee Charter
The charter for this TC is as follows.
Section 1: TC Charter
(1)(a) TC Name
Value Stream Management Interoperability (VSMI)
(1)(b) Statement of Purpose
Currently, the value stream management (VSM) industry is fractured by having a lack of ubiquitous language and multiple data formats across tools. This TC sets out to create a value stream management standard for interoperability which will allow broader adoption of value stream management. This TC will seek to identify overlaps and understand differences between various value stream implementations and when possible use existing works as a basis of further development.
The purpose of the Value Stream Management Interoperability (VSMI) TC is to define a value stream management protocol for sharing data across enterprise platforms.
The work will focus on:
- Defining key component parts of value stream data
- Enabling interoperability of value streams
- Establishing good practice for value stream data architecture
- Creating open standards for value stream management metrics
Business Benefits
The business benefit of this TC is to bring increased interoperability to existing value stream standards, tools, and best practices. Other opportunities include enhanced observability and auditability of waste, quality, security, and risk.
Potential Stakeholders that would benefit from being represented in this TC include:
- Organizations managing diverse/heterogeneous Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)/DevOps toolchains
- Organizations building SDLC/DevOps tools
- Organizations creating and/or consuming a VSM tool(s) or platform
- Cybersecurity regulators & professionals
- Organizations building VSM software and wanting interoperability between systems
- Software engineering and design companies
- Quality Management roles
- ISO standardized organizations
- Users of value stream mapping and management tools and platforms
(1)(c) Scope
The VSMI TC work is the development of value stream management data interchange standards, based on the needs identified by the VSMI TC Members. The Standards Track Work Product efforts will be related to improving existing information representations for codifying, analyzing, and sharing of value stream data.
In addition to Standards Track Work Products, the VSMI TC work products may include supporting documentation, open source tooling, and any other materials deemed necessary to encourage the adoption of the TC’s specifications.
(1)(d) Deliverables
The first deliverables for this TC are likely to include:
- Differential analysis with existing works
- Existing data format interoperability
- Existing standards survey
- Gap analysis
- Outline of key components
- Definition and attributes of key components
- Privacy and regulatory concerns for various data formats
- Glossary & supporting resources
(1)(e) IPR Mode
(1)(f) Audience
The target audience for this TC include those listed below. Representatives from all levels and in any role are welcome.
- product value stream organizations
- digital product leadership
- cybersecurity professionals
- public sector security professionals
- quality management professionals
(1)(g) Language
Section 2: Additional Information
(2)(a) Identification of Similar Work
Value Stream Management Consortium:
A member association for enterprises and individuals working with value stream management practices and platforms. The VSMC’s purpose is to advance value stream-centric ways of working in technology teams to lead to higher performing organizations. The TC will complement the work of the VSMC by providing standards and enhancements to benefit the value stream community. VSMC staff will participate in the TC and VSMC organizations are invited to join as representatives of their companies as voting members of the TC.
ISO 22468:2020 – Value stream management (VSM):
Focuses on the physical structure and symbology of a standard map. The TC is focused more centered on the digital value stream.
ISO/IEC 15944-4:2007 – Resource-Event-Agent (REA):
The Resource-Event-Agent (REA) model is an approach to conceptualizing the semantics of economic exchanges such as accounting transactions. The REA model is an ISO standard. Further exploration of this standard will be required to see how it maps to this TC.
Explore for applicability:
- TOSCA – Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications
- OSLC – Open Services for Lifecycle Collaboration
- SARIF – Static Analysis Results Interchange Format
(2)(b) First TC Meeting
The first TC meeting will be a virtual meeting held on 11 July 2022 at 15:00 UTC / 11:00 AM EDT / 8:00 AM PDT. The meeting will be hosted by Copado.
(2)(c) Ongoing Meeting Schedule
The TC will meet via Zoom twice per month for 60 minutes. One of the proposers listed in the charter will sponsor the Zoom meeting. The meeting cadence will be refined by TC members as needed in accordance with workstreams.
(2)(d) TC Proposers
Fabio Henrique Ribeiro, Accenture, fabio.h.ribeiro@accenture.com
Heather Kanser, Broadcom, heather.kanser@broadcom.com
Daniel Riedel, Copado, DRiedel@Copado.com
Kelly Cullinane, Copado, KCullinane@Copado.com
Steve Pereira, Copado, SPereira@Copado.com
Christian O. Hunt, Copado, cvoid@copado.com
Sunil Joshi, IBM, sunjoshi@us.ibm.com
Yaniv Sayers, Micro Focus, yaniv.sayers@microfocus.com
Peter Vollmer, Micro Focus, peter.vollmer2@microfocus.com
Tracy Bannon, MITRE, tracybannon@gmail.com
Bob Davis, Plutora, bob.davis@plutora.com
Simon Farrell, Plutora, simon.farrell@plutora.com
Duncan Sparrell, sFractal, duncan@sfractal.com
Bryan Finster, US Department of Defense (contractor), bryan.finster@gmail.com
Helen Beal, VSMC, helen.beal@vsmconsortium.orgd
(2)(e) Primary Representatives’ Support
I, Daniel Riedel, DRiedel@Copado.com, as OASIS primary representative for Copado, confirms our support for this proposed Charter and endorses our participants listed above as named co-proposers.
I, Duncan Sparrell, duncan@sfractal.com, as OASIS primary representative for sFractal, confirm our support for this proposed Charter and endorse our participants listed above as named co-proposers.
I, Dr. George Parson, george.k.parson.civ@mail.milas OASIS primary representative for the US Department of Defense (DOD), confirm our support for this proposed Charter and endorse our participants listed above as named co-proposers.
I, Raj Rajagopal, rajagop@mitre.org, as OASIS primary representative for MITRE, confirm our support for this proposed Charter and endorse our participants listed above as named co-proposers.
I, Bob Davis, bob.davis@plutora.com, as OASIS primary representative for Plutora, confirm our support for the VSMI TC and our participants listed above as named co-proposers
I, Jason Keirstead, jason.keirstead@ca.ibm.com, as OASIS primary representative for IBM, confirm our support for the VSMI TC and endorse our participants listed above as named co-proposers
I, Michael Angelo (Michael.Angelo@microfocus), as OASIS primary representative for Micro Focus, confirm our support for this proposed Charter and endorse our participants listed above as named co-proposers.
I, Heather Kanser, heather.kanser@broadcom.com, as OASIS primary representative for Broadcom, confirm our support for the VSMI TC and will be a participant.
I, Rob Coderre, as OASIS primary representative for Accenture, confirm our support for the VSMI TC and endorse Fabio Ribeiro as our participant on the TC.
I, Helen Beal, as OASIS primary representative for VSMC, confirms our support for this proposed Charter and endorse our participants listed above as named co-proposers.
(2)(f) TC Convener
Kelly Cullinane, Copado, KCullinane@Copado.com
(2)(g) Anticipated Contributions
(2)(i) FAQ Document
What is Value Stream Management?
Value Stream Management is the practice that observes and controls all activities in the software development lifecycle (SDLC) – from planning, building, validating, to delivering – to determine where work flow and output is constrained. Originating in manufacturing to eliminate variations in quality that pose life-safety risks, it has grown in applicability as software projects become more complex and critical to global economies.
What is Value Stream Mapping?
Value Stream Mapping is a collaborative process for defining the process by which something of value is created and delivered in response to a customer demand. Value Stream Mapping identifies the processes involved in the work as well as metrics on speed, quality, and load at each stage of work as well as for the entire process. Value Stream Mapping is the second key activity in the five steps of Lean.
What data is Value Stream Management concerned with?
- Timing granularity (active time, value-added time)
- Quality (% of work Complete and Accurate)
- Roles involved
- Tools involved
- Artifacts created or touched
- SDLC events
- Work profile (type of work performed)
- Value realization
(2)(j) Work Product Titles and Acronyms