News from OASIS Open and our communities
Stay current on the major announcements, project milestones, and new activities happening at OASIS.

Coalition for Secure AI and Universal Business Language V2.4 Open Standard Win OASIS Open Cup Awards

Invitation to comment on DMLex Version 1.0 before call for consent as OASIS Standard

Making lexicography truly digital: the road to DMLex
LEXIDMA TC’s DMLex V1.0 is now a Committee Specification

OASIS Launches Global Initiative to Standardize Cyber Threat Intelligence Sharing in Space

XLIFF v2.2 CSD02 is now available for public review

Invitation to comment on TOSCA v2.0

Coalition for Secure AI Forms Technical Steering Committee to Advance AI Security Workstreams

Invitation to Comment – Energy Interop (CTS) Version 1.0

OASIS Celebrates 20th Anniversary of Common Alerting Protocol, Global Standard for Alerts and Warnings