
NIEM, a “new” Open Project 18 years in the making

By Jim Cabral, VP of Court Relations for InfoTrack US, Vice-Chair of the OASIS board

After hearing that NIEMOpen was awarded the 2023 OASIS Open Cup, you may be interested in learning more about the new OASIS Open Project. With the assistance of ChatGPT, the current technology darling of the moment, here is a quick summary of what you need to know about NIEM.

What is NIEM?

NIEM, formerly known as the “National Information Exchange Model,” is a framework for exchanging information between public and private sector organizations. The framework includes a for using and extending the data model in information exchanges.

NIEM promotes scalability and reusability of messages between information systems which allows organizations to share data and information more efficiently. It was launched in 2005 in response to the U.S. Homeland Security Presidential Directives to improve information sharing between agencies following 9/11. Since then, NIEM has been updated and maintained in a collaboration between the U.S. federal government, state and local government agencies, private sector, and non-profit and international organizations with new versions released roughly annually. NIEM 5.2, the latest version released in December 2022, defines a set of common objects, “NIEM Core,” and 17 sets of objects that are specific to certain government or industry verticals, “NIEM Domains.”

To read the complete blog, go to the NIEMOpen website: