
Building Trust in AI with Open Standards

By Francis Beland, Executive Director, OASIS Open

Open standards in artificial intelligence (AI) are important for a number of reasons:

Interoperability: Open standards allow different AI systems to work together seamlessly, regardless of who developed them or what platform they run on. This means that data and services can be shared across different systems, increasing efficiency and reducing costs.

Innovation: Open standards encourage innovation by providing a common framework for developers to work within. This can lead to the development of new AI tools and techniques that can benefit a wide range of users.

Transparency: Open standards can help increase the transparency of AI systems, making it easier for users to understand how they work and how they make decisions. This is particularly important in applications such as healthcare, finance, and legal, where transparency and accountability are critical.

Accessibility: Open standards can help make AI more accessible to a wider range of users, including those who may not have the resources to develop their own systems. This can help democratize access to AI technology and promote inclusivity.

Trust: Open standards can help build trust in AI by establishing a common set of ethical principles and technical standards that developers can adhere to. This can help address concerns around bias, privacy, and security, and promote responsible AI development and deployment.