Call for Participation: #OASIS #OSLC #PROMCODE TC
A new OASIS technical committee is being formed. The OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration for Project Management of Contracted Delivery (OSLC PROMCODE) Technical Committee (TC) has been proposed by the members of OASIS listed in the charter below. The TC name, statement of purpose, scope, list of deliverables, audience, IPR mode and language specified in the proposal will constitute the TC’s official charter. Submissions of technology for consideration by the TC, and the beginning of technical discussions, may occur no sooner than the TC’s first meeting.
The eligibility requirements for becoming a participant in the TC at the first meeting are:
(a) you must be an employee or designee of an OASIS member organization or an individual member of OASIS, and
(b) you must join the Technical Committee, which members may do by using the Roster “join group: link on the TC’s web page at [a].
To be considered a voting member at the first meeting:
(a) you must join the Technical Committee at least 7 days prior to the first meeting (on or before 19 March 2014); and
(b) you must attend the first meeting of the TC, at the time and date fixed below (26 March 2014 Japan, Europe / 25 March 2014 US).
Participants also may join the TC at a later time. OASIS and the TC welcomes all interested parties.
Non-OASIS members who wish to participate may contact us about joining OASIS [b]. In addition, the public may access the information resources maintained for each TC: a mail list archive, document repository and public comments facility, which will be linked from the TC’s public home page at [c].
Please feel free to forward this announcement to any other appropriate lists. OASIS is an open standards organization; we encourage your participation.
[b] See
OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration for Project Management of Contracted Delivery (OSLC PROMCODE) Technical Committee Charter
The charter for this TC is as follows.
(1) (a) The name of the TC
OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration for Project Management of Contracted Delivery (OSLC PROMCODE) Technical Committee
(1) (b) Statement of Purpose
Global software delivery is commonplace today. With ever increasing pressure, such as faster delivery, competitive cost, and skill availability,it is becoming common for software delivery to be done by collaboration of multiple organizations forming a chain of carriers and suppliers. Resembling the traditional manufacturing industry supply chain, this trend of software delivery is often called a Software Supply Chain (SSC). The SSC is a new paradigm of software delivery, where carriers and suppliers work together.
Effective collaboration between an SSC acquirer and supplier requires activities to be managed and information to be shared across organizational boundaries. The management of software delivery can be highly challenging due to the diversity of the development process, method, tools and platforms used by organizations participating in the supply chain. As a result, both the information shared and the management used are usually unique to each organization. Typically, manual operations are performed in exchanging proprietary information and in coordinating activities; resulting in inefficient, error-prone and inflexible operations. As the number of organizations involved in software delivery increases, the need for more systematic and standards-based information sharing and coordination becomes critical.
PROMCODE (PROject Management of COntracted Delivery for software supply chains) is a set of specifications to exchange project management information across organizational boundaries [1]. PROMCODE leverages OSLC specifications [2, 3, 4] and defines a set of resources and links as abstraction of information used in many real projects in SSC. PROMCODE was initially developed by six leading IT companies and a university in Japan who subsequently validated PROMCODE use in each organization’s project environment.
The OASIS OSLC PROMCODE TC intends to build on this work to create an open standard specification of a model and information used for project management in SSC. The initiative calls for broad participation from anyone interested in the topic so that the resulting specification will be widely applicable to the global community.
(1) (c) Scope
The OSLC PROMCODE TC defines technical elements and guidelines for project management of Software Supply Chains. The OSLC PROMCODE TC will examine the work done by the PROMCODE consortium on exchanging project management information [1], and will modify/extend the work so that it fits the needs of the global community.
The OSLC PROMCODE TC will work to:
1) Define a model of project management information for SSC. A model should describe a minimum set of information and relationships commonly used by carriers and suppliers to manage software delivery.
2) Define a set of resources and their relationships following the OSLC framework as defined by the OSLC Core TC.
3) Create additional technical elements as required to support current and future scenarios for OSLC User Groups, OSLC MS-affiliated TCs, Subcommittees and the OSLC Member Section Steering Committee.
4) Leverage existing work, such as existing OSLC specifications, as much as possible. If gaps are identified, the OSLC PROMCODE TC will attempt to resolve them with other affiliated TCs prior to defining new concepts within PROMCODE.
(1) (d) Deliverables
The OSLC PROMCODE TC is expected to produce within 24 months after the first meeting:
1) Scenarios: a set of scenarios illustrating user stories in the project management for SSC.
2) Specifications: Based on the scenarios, a set of specifications will be developed to address technical requirements for project management for SSC.The set of specifications will provide terminology and rules for defining resource vocabularies in terms of the property names and value-types, and will recommend various resource representations.
3) Supporting and enabling material to support broad adoption including:
a) Guidance: informative, non-normative material covering topics such as implementation, resource design, and specification development.
b) Best Practices: publication of various best and good practices to aid in the implementation of specifications and interoperable solutions.
4) Terminology: a common set of terms intended to be used by the OSLC PROMCODE TC.
5) Vocabulary: in support of specifications, a set of vocabularies, including tools and best practices, that can be processed either by machine or manually.
The OSLC PROMCODE TC plans to revise and expand its specifications over time, to enable functionality called for by revisions in, and expansions of, the motivational scenarios. This means new specifications that cover additional capabilities may be introduced as scenarios are refined to support new capabilities.
Once the OSLC PROMCODE TC has completed work on a specific deliverable (whether “complete” means it has become an OASIS Standard, or simply a Committee Specification is left to the TC’s discretion), the TC will provide maintenance for that deliverable.
The purpose of maintenance is to provide minor revisions to previously adopted deliverables to clarify ambiguities, inconsistencies and obvious errors. Maintenance is not intended to enhance a deliverable or to extend its functionality. In addition to maintenance, the TC may choose to create new versions of specifications that support additional capabilities as needed by scenarios.
(1) (e) IPR Mode
This OSLC PROMCODE TC will operate under the “RF (Royalty Free) on Limited Terms” IPR mode as defined in the OASIS Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy.
(1) (f) Anticipated audience of the work
The OSLC PROMCODE TC will produce a set of specifications that are applicable to two types of interest groups:
1) End users of the specifications, including implementers (software suppliers, open source project teams, and developers of custom business software)
2) Developers of OSLC specifications, including those produced by OSLC MS-affiliated TCs and other standards groups
The work should be of interest to anyone involved with integration of project management tools.
(1) (g) Language
The OSLC PROMCODE TC will conduct its business in English. The TC may elect to form subcommittees that produce localized documentation of the TC’s work in additional languages.
(2) Non-normative information
(2) (a) Identification of similar or related work
A substantial amount of work has been done on the exchange of project management data and tool integration for the software supply chain. The following lists some of the highly visible initiatives.
1) The PROMCODE Interface Specification developed by the PROMCODE Consortium:
2) OASIS OSLC Lifecycle Integration Core (OSLC Core)
3) OSLC Steering Committee approved specifications from including OSLC Change Management Specification Version 2.0:
4) World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Linked Data Platform (LDP)
5) Eclipse Lyo, a reference implementation of OSLC
(2) (b) Date, Time and Location of the first meeting
The first meeting will be held by teleconference at 8:00 p.m. on March, 25, 2014 (Eastern Daylight Time) or 9:00 a.m. on March 26, 2014 (Japanese Standard Time). Nanzan University will sponsor this call.
(2) (c) Ongoing meeting schedule
The OSLC PROMCODE TC intends to meet by teleconference every month
(2) (d) The names, electronic mail addresses, and membership affiliations of co-proposers
1) Mikio Aoyama,, Nanzan University
2) Tsutomu Kamimura,, IBM Corp.
3) Kazuo Yabuta,, Fujitsu Limited
4) Nobuhiko Kishinoue,, NEC Corporation
5) Hiroyuki Yoshida,, Fujitsu Limited
(2) (e) Statements of Support
I, Mikio Aoyama,, as OASIS primary representative for Nanzan University, confirm our support for this charter and endorse our proposers listed above as named co-proposers.
I, Dave Ings,, as OASIS primary representative for IBM Corp., confirm our support for this charter and endorse our proposers listed above as named co-proposers.
I, Hiroshi Yoshida,, as OASIS primary representative for Fujitsu Limited, confirm our support for this charter and endorse our proposers listed above as named co-proposers.
I, Keiko Matsunaga,, as OASIS primary representative for NEC Corporation, confirm our support for this charter and endorse our proposers listed above as named co-proposers.
(2) (f) TC Convener
The OSLC PROMCODE TC Convener will be Dr. Mikio Aoyama (, Nanzan University.
(2) (g) Member Section Affiliation The OSLC PROMCODE TC intends to request affiliation with the OSLC Member Section.
(2)(h) List of Contributions of Existing Technical Work
PROMCODE Interface Specification (Draft)