News from OASIS Open and our communities
Stay current on the major announcements, project milestones, and new activities happening at OASIS.

Common Security Advisory Framework v2.0 from CSAF TC approved as revised Committee Specification

Value Stream Management Leaders Come Together to Develop Interoperability Standards at OASIS Open

Invitation to comment on Open Command and Control (OpenC2) Architecture Specification v1.0

OASIS Elects Board of Directors from Diverse Industries and a Wide Range of Backgrounds and Affiliations

PKCS #11 Profiles v3.1 from PKCS 11 TC approved as a Committee Specification

OSLC Architecture Management Version 3.0 OASIS Standard published

Invitation to comment on Secure QR Code Authentication Version 1.0 before call for consent as OASIS Standard – ends September 18

Virtual I/O Device (VIRTIO) v1.2 from VIRTIO TC approved as a Committee Specification

Secure QR Code Authentication v1.0 from ESAT TC approved as a Committee Specification

Common Security Advisory Framework v2.0 from CSAF TC approved as a Committee Specification