OASIS Open Repositories: Overview

An OASIS Open Repository is a public GitHub repository supporting the activities of an associated OASIS Technical Committee. Open Repository contents are created through public contributions under a designated open source license, and community participants establish development priorities for assets maintained in the repository.

As documented in the resources cited below, any qualifying OASIS Technical Committee (currently: a TC using the Non-Assertion IPR Mode) may request the creation of one or more Open Repositories to enable development of additional material — to supplement or support its standards work. Open Repositories are set up as GitHub projects under the GitHub organization “oasis-open” at https://github.com/oasis-open/.

OASIS Open Repositories use the familiar fork-and-pull collaboration model which allows anyone, whether an OASIS/TC member or not, to submit a pull request. All contributions to an Open Repository are governed by a written purpose statement for the project, a single open source license, and by Contributor License Agreements submitted by contributors.

Note: The OASIS Open Repositories offering was presented initially as an experiment (August 2015). Staff expects to improve the program over time, perhaps involving substantive changes to guidance documents and policy, in response to user feedback.

OASIS Open Repositories: Resources

  • OASIS Open Repositories: GitHub Organization. The principal GitHub Web page for the OASIS Open Repositories displays all active repositories, each with the repository name and description.
  • OASIS Open Repositories: Overview and Resources. This document provides a brief overview of the Open Repositories offering, with references to the primary resources.
  • OASIS Open Repository Guidelines and Procedures. This policy document formulates the principles and rules which govern Open Repository creation, management, licensing, operations, and lifecycle.
  • Frequently Asked Questions. This FAQ document is expected to be revised regularly to reflect answers to common questions from participants and potential participants.
  • Contributor License Agreements. This document presents two online forms for submission and update of an applicable Contributor License Agreement, including the required Individual CLA and the Entity CLA (applicable in some cases).
  • Licenses. This document presents a list of supported open source licenses that govern contributions to an Open Repository. Each Open Repository has one designated license.
  • Maintainers’ Guidelines and Agreement. This document presents an evolving collection of best practices, rules, guidelines, and pious advice applicable to Open Repository Maintainers. Repository Maintainers are respected and trusted experts who agree to manage content in an Open Repository in response to participant interest and community consensus.
  • Proposal Template. This document identifies and explains essential elements of a TC proposal for creation of an Open Repository, including the written Purpose Statement, short description, selection of GitHub repository name, identification of initial Maintainer(s), open source license selection, etc.
  • Request Form. Technical Committees considering creation of an Open Repository should use the online request form, assuming that a corresponding TC resolution has been approved, and that meeting minutes are published recording the TC decision. Elements of a well-formed proposal are presented in the Proposal Template document.


Please send feedback or questions to Open Repository Administration at repository-admin@oasis-open.org.