
Partner Event

Open Source Summit

Open Source Summit covers cornerstone open source technologies; helps ecosystem leaders to navigate open source transformation with the Diversity Empowerment Summit and tracks on business and compliance; and delves into the newest technologies and latest trends touching open source, including networking, cloud-native, edge computing, AI and much more. It is an extraordinary opportunity for cross-pollination between the developers, sysadmins, DevOps professionals and IT architects driving the future of technology.

Partner Event

NASSCOM Annual Technology Conference 2021

Baseline Protocol Open Project on the Agenda

The global pandemic has accelerated technology disruption, in addition to shifting buyer behaviors and increasing competition. At NASSCOM Annual Technology Conference 2021, you will get a uniquely informed update on the technology trends that are impacting your business. A guide to thriving and managing high growth, at the same time ensuring seamless delivery, process optimization, efficiencies, customer experience enhancement without compromising security, trust, and ethics.

On Friday, 24 September – Baseline Protocol TSC Chair, John Wolpert, will show how the companies that already know how to ‘BASELINE’ are winning seven and eight figure enterprise transformation projects with major brand names and how the end of 2021 will see the release of tools and services that will make baselining something every company will be asking for in 2022 and beyond.

View event recap here.

OOEF Event

Conference on AI: from Ambition to Action

OASIS Open Europe Foundation on the Agenda

The European Union will hold a high level Conference on AI- from Ambition to Action, including Standardisation Issues, on 14-15 September 2021. The Conference will be organized under the EU Presidency of Slovenia. The goal is to reinforce the role of Europe as the global hub for excellence and trust in AI. The Conference will debate how to lay down harmonised rules regarding AI that can be effectively applied across the 27 Member States and ensure that AI technology can truly operate across the Single European Market.

Laetitia Cailleteau, a Director of OASIS Open Europe Foundation and the AI Lead for Accenture in Europe, will speak in the Session on AI and Standardisation on 14 September. 

View video

Partner Event

Designing an eDelivery Network for the Energy Industry

OASIS Open on the Agenda

Part 1 will touch on overall business perspective and will feature presentations on the topic “if standards are necessary in a digital environment”. Part 2 will touch on the technical side of an eDelivery Network and present the concept of a four-corner network model that makes it affordable for suppliers to transact in a single way with their operators across all the numerous eCommerce platforms they must use to conduct business. During the webinar, you’ll hear about the importance of supply chain standards in a digital world, the concept of an eDelivery Network, and the benefits it can provide for the rapid digitalization of the Energy Industry.

OASIS Virtual Event

A Deep Dive into the EEA Community Projects – A Joint Partnership between the EEA and OASIS

In June, the EEA and OASIS announced that the Ethereum OASIS Open Project would become the EEA Community Projects, a joint partnership and OASIS’s inaugural Managed Open Project.

Open source and open standards are not the same thing, but each can inform and improve the other, from iterative development to interoperability and sustainability. Join Dan Burnett, the EEA’s Executive Director, and Guy Martin, OASIS’s Executive Director, on August 11 as they discuss the motivations behind this novel partnership, the advantages for both organizations, and the positive impact they expect on the Ethereum industry as a result.

Partner Event

EEA Community Projects

The Enterprise Ethereum Alliance (EEA)and OASIS Open today announced that the Ethereum OASIS Open Project, home of the Baseline Protocol, will now operate under the banner of EEA Community Projects. The move leverages the strengths of both standards bodies, building on EEA’s leadership role in Ethereum standards for business while continuing to rely on OASIS’ expertise in supporting open source and open standards development. The formation of EEA Community Projects signals to the world that there is now a central location where Ethereum-related business standards are developed and new projects are advanced.

Learn more about the partnership from the EEA’s Dan Burnett and OASIS Open’s Guy Martin at the free EEA Ethereum Anniversary Special event on July 29. Sign up to register.

Partner Event

Innovations in Resource Management & Mutual Aid Technology

Part of the PrepTech Talk Series by National Alliance for Public Safety GIS Foundation

Join OASIS Emergency Management Technical Committee Chair, Elysa Jones, and other industry speaker for a virtual seminar to learn about the latest developments in nationally available technology tools and standards that increase resource management preparedness and improve efficiencies in managing incidents. Resource management is the cornerstone of preparing for and responding to incidents that require mutual aid among agencies and jurisdictions. Currently, the adoption and use of standardized resource management policies, practices, and technology vary greatly at the local level nationwide.

OASIS Virtual Event


All OASIS Members are invited to join OASIS Board Members and Staff for an interactive annual member gathering.

The business portion of the meeting will include a review of the 2020 Annual Report with financial and operational results. Many of the exciting activities and services recently released and in development for members will be highlighted during this event as well. At the end of the briefing, Members will have a chance to ask questions to OASIS Staff and Board Members. You can submit your question in advance (send to: or ask your question during the event.

This event will be recorded and will be posted for those unable to attend in person.

OASIS Virtual Event

Holistic modeling of HPC, FaaS, and Edge applications with RADON and SODALITE TOSCA extensions

Part of the TOSCA Implementation Series

Defining an integrated scenario with the ability to deploy distributed and heterogeneous software simultaneously across HPC, Function-as-a-Service (FaaS), and edge is a complex and challenging endeavour. During this presentation, the presenters will provide an overview of the TOSCA extensions defined by the EU projects RADON and SODALITE that enable such heterogeneous deployments. They’ll tell the story of how, by joining forces, the two projects have holistically integrated these extensions and the modelling and orchestration toolchain that can leverage them. Industrial use cases that further demonstrate the applicability of the joint RADON and SODALITE extensions will be showcased.

OASIS Virtual Event

Borderless Cyber 2021

OASIS Open and The National Council of ISACs team up to bring you a two-day virtual cybersecurity program focused on interoperability strategies to help mitigate threats to one of our most critical global areas — Supply Chains. The event will include a diverse hand-picked group of global cybersecurity experts that will share their views on the right combination of measures needed to ensure your cybersecurity strategy confidence reaches that next level. Through a mixture of interactive panel discussions and presentations, you’ll hear how you can be part of the global collaboration effort and learn actionable advice needed to avoid being the next target.

View Videos and Slide Presentations from the event here.

OASIS Virtual Event

DITA 2.0: A NOT backwards compatible release

A series of Webinars for vendors of DITA tools.

Join members of the DITA Technical Committee on Tuesday, 15 June 2021 for a look at the contours of DITA 2.0. Because DITA 2.0 is NOT backwards compatible, we want to engage vendors and developers of DITA solutions early on. By the day of the Webinar, the grammar files for the release (DTD and RNG) will be complete and available for testing. A draft of the specification also will be available, although editorial work will be on-going throughout 2021.

In this 60-minute session, we’ll go over what the release contains, with a special focus on where there are changes that will have an effect on current tools (editors, CCMS, publishing, conversion, content delivery, etc.). Plan to send your product managers and lead architects! The session will be recorded. Then join us again on 29 June 2021 for a question and answer session.

Partner Event

FIRST Conference 2021

Visit the OASIS Open Booth

The annual FIRST conference brings together global security and incident response professionals from all stages of their careers and from public, private, and academic sectors to exchange information and ideas, learn together, build trust relationships, and co-operate on areas of mutual interest. The virtual FIRST Annual Conference in 2020 proved the FIRST community brings some of the best content, and a highly engaged and enthusiastic audience; most if not all sessions were full of questions from the audience.

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